首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation: Official Journal of the Transplantation Society >Five-year follow-up of two siblings with aspartylglucosaminuria undergoing allogeneic stem-cell transplantation from unrelated donors.

Five-year follow-up of two siblings with aspartylglucosaminuria undergoing allogeneic stem-cell transplantation from unrelated donors.


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BACKGROUND: Aspartylglucosaminuria is a rare, inherited lysosomal disease characterized by a slowly progressive mental retardation and coarse facial and body features. With the intent to provide the deficient enzyme aspartylglucosaminidase, allogeneic stem-cell transplantation (ASCT) has been attempted. Only a few cases of transplants have been reported. METHODS: Two siblings with aspartylglucosaminuria underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplants using unrelated human leukocyte antigen-A, -B, and DR identical donors at ages 10 years 5 months and 5 years 10 months, respectively. They were followed during 5 years with biochemical, neuroradiologic, neuropsychologic, and clinical investigations. RESULTS: During 5 years follow-up, no neuropsychologic or clinical deterioration was noted in the children. A stable expression of aspartylglucosaminidase was found during the whole follow-up period. The spinal fluid concentration of Tau-protein, a marker of neuronal and axonal degeneration and damage, peaked at approximately 12 months after bone-marrow transplantation and then declined to almost normal levels after 5 years. By magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an improvement of myelination in the youngest sibling and an arrest of demyelination in the older one were observed. CONCLUSION: The importance of long-term follow-up of children after ASCT in this rare, very slowly progressive lysosomal disease must be emphasized. We report that none of the children had lost any capabilities since the transplantation; moreover, an improvement is shown in biochemical markers and MRI white-matter signals, suggesting a beneficial effect.
机译:背景:天冬氨酰葡糖尿症是一种罕见的遗传性溶酶体病,其特征是缓慢进行性智力低下以及面部和身体特征较粗大。为了提供缺乏的酶天冬氨酰氨基葡糖苷酶,已经尝试了同种异体干细胞移植(ASCT)。仅报道了几例移植。方法:两个天冬氨酰葡糖胺尿症的兄弟姐妹分别使用无关的人类白细胞抗原-A,-B和DR相同的供体分别在10岁5个月和5岁10个月进行同种异体骨髓移植。对他们进行了5年的生化,神经放射学,神经心理学和临床研究。结果:在5年的随访中,未发现儿童的神经心理或临床恶化。在整个随访过程中发现天冬氨酰氨基葡糖苷酶稳定表达。 Tau蛋白(神经元和轴突变性和损伤的标志物)的脊髓液浓度在骨髓移植后约12个月达到峰值,然后在5年后降至几乎正常水平。通过磁共振成像(MRI),观察到最小的兄弟姐妹的髓鞘增多,而较大的兄弟姐妹的髓鞘被阻止。结论:在这种罕见的,非常缓慢的进行性溶酶体疾病中,必须强调ASCT后儿童长期随访的重要性。我们报告说,自移植以来,没有一个孩子失去任何能力;此外,生化标记物和MRI白质信号显示出改善,表明是有益的。



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