首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation: Official Journal of the Transplantation Society >Improvement of glucose/insulin metabolism reduces hypertension in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus recipients of kidney-pancreas transplantation.

Improvement of glucose/insulin metabolism reduces hypertension in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus recipients of kidney-pancreas transplantation.


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There is increasing evidence that metabolic disorders are common in patients with hypertension. To evaluate the relationship between glucose/insulin metabolism and hypertension in diabetes, 61 hypertensive uremic insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients who were recipients of kidney or pancreas/kidney transplants were studied through a 1-year follow-up. Twenty of them received a kidney (K) transplant alone, 13 received a kidney and segmental pancreas (KSP), and 28 received a kidney and whole pancreas (KWP) with duodenocystostomy. All subjects received the same immunosuppressive treatment including steroids, azathioprine, and cyclosporine. The three groups of patients were comparable for biochemical parameters, clinical characteristic, cyclosporine levels, and renal function (creatinine < 2 mg/dl). The association between hypertension and type of transplant was evaluated according a global chi-square test, then the results were broken down into two components to test for differences in hypertension between KP versus K and KWP versus KSP groups. The improvement of hypertension rate was statistically associated with KP transplant the first week after surgery, at discharge, and 1 year after transplantation (hypertension% at 1 week: KWP = 75, KSP = 23 vs. K = 70, P = 0.004; at discharge: KWP = 39, KSP = 31 vs. K = 75, P = 0.017; at 1 yr: KWP = 44, KSP = 54 vs. K = 85, P = 0.02). One year after graft fasting, free immunoreactive insulin as well as glycosylated hemoglobin and glucose levels were statistically lower in the KP groups than in the K-alone recipients. The improvement of hypertension observed in KP recipients suggests a key role of glucose and insulin metabolism on pathogenesis of diabetic hypertension.
机译:越来越多的证据表明,代谢紊乱在高血压患者中很常见。为了评估糖尿病患者葡萄糖/胰岛素代谢与高血压之间的关系,通过1年的随访研究了61名高血压尿毒症胰岛素依赖型糖尿病患者,这些患者是肾脏或胰腺/肾脏移植的接受者。他们中有20人单独接受了肾脏(K)移植,有13人接受了肾脏和节段性胰腺(KSP),有28人接受了肾脏和全胰(KWP)十二指肠膀胱造口术。所有受试者均接受相同的免疫抑制治疗,包括类固醇,硫唑嘌呤和环孢霉素。三组患者在生化指标,临床特征,环孢素水平和肾功能(肌酐<2 mg / dl)方面具有可比性。根据整体卡方检验评估高血压与移植类型之间的关联,然后将结果分为两个部分,以测试KP,K和KWP与KSP组之间的高血压差异。高血压率的改善与术后第一周,出院时和移植后一年的KP移植在统计学上相关(1周时的高血压%:KWP = 75,KSP = 23 vs. K = 70,P = 0.004;流量:KWP = 39,KSP = 31 vs. K = 75,P = 0.017;在1年时:KWP = 44,KSP = 54 vs. K = 85,P = 0.02)。移植禁食一年后,KP组的游离免疫反应性胰岛素以及糖基化血红蛋白和葡萄糖水平在统计学上低于仅K受体组。在KP受体中观察到的高血压改善表明,葡萄糖和胰岛素代谢在糖尿病性高血压的发病机理中起着关键作用。



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