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The estimation of live weight based on linear traits in indigenous Tswana goats at various ages in Botswana


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The objective of this study was to determine the usefulness of some linear body measurements in predicting live weight in indigenous Tswana goats at various ages. Data for this study were obtained from 2,783 goats sampled from six agricultural regions of Botswana except for Tsabong and Ghanzi districts. Fifteen farmers keeping goats were randomly selected from each district and records taken on a random sample of 4-12 animals per farm depending on the 1999 Botswana Government average district flock size. Body measurements recorded were heart girth, height at withers, body length, shoulder width, and live weight. Information on age of each animal was estimated from dentition; flock size and sex of the animal were also recorded for each farm. Regression analysis using stepwise selection method in Statistical Analysis System was used to determine prediction equations for live weight with heart girth, height at withers, body length, and shoulder width as independent variables for male and female goats of different ages. In all models, heart girth contributed most in explaining variation in body weight as shown by high partial R (2) which ranged from 0.48 for female mature to 0.80 for mature male goats. Using mean square error, R (2), and Mallows' C(p), the best prediction equations were for female and male kids (R (2) = 0.83 and 0.82, respectively) and mature male goats (R (2) = 0.82). The poorest model was for mature female goats with R (2) = 0.57. Live body weight could be estimated with accuracy from linear body measurements in Tswana goats which are unique for each sex and age. More research is required to explore using these models to develop measuring tapes for use by resource poor farmers who keep indigenous Tswana goats.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定一些线性身体测量值在预测不同年龄的茨瓦纳土著山羊活体重中的作用。这项研究的数据是从博茨瓦纳六个农业地区(除察邦和甘兹地区)抽样的2,783只山羊获得的。从每个地区随机选出15个饲养山羊的农民,并根据1999年博茨瓦纳政府平均地区鸡群规模,对每个农场随机抽取4-12只动物进行记录。记录的身体测量值是心脏周长,肩高,体长,肩宽和活体重。根据齿列估计每只动物的年龄信息;还记录了每个农场的鸡群大小和性别。使用统计分析系统中的逐步选择方法进行回归分析,以确定体重的预测方程,其中体重为腰围,肩高,身高和肩宽为不同年龄的公山羊和母山羊的自变量。在所有模型中,心围在解释体重变化中起了最大作用,如偏高的R(2)所示,其范围从雌性成熟的0.48到成熟的雄性山羊的0.80。使用均方误差R(2)和Mallows的C(p),最佳的预测方程是分别针对雌性和雄性孩子(R(2)= 0.83和0.82)和成年雄性山羊(R(2)= 0.82)。最差的模型是R(2)= 0.57的成年雌性山羊。茨瓦纳山羊的线性体重测量可以准确估计活体重,这对于每个性别和年龄都是唯一的。需要更多的研究来探索使用这些模型来开发卷尺,以供那些养有土著茨瓦纳山羊的资源贫乏的农民使用。



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