首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Laboratory wash resistance of long-lasting insecticidal nets.

Laboratory wash resistance of long-lasting insecticidal nets.


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Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) may eliminate the need for retreatment of mosquito nets used for the control of malaria and other vector-borne diseases. The efficacy of LLINs after repeated washing under laboratory conditions has been used to predict long-lasting efficacy under field conditions. We evaluated under laboratory conditions the wash resistance of two LLINs (PermaNet 1.0, Vestergaard-Frandsen, Denmark; Olyset, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Japan), two candidate LLINs (Dawa, Siamdutch Mosquito Netting Co., Thailand; Insector, Athanor, France) and a net treated with a process designed to increase its wash resistance and compared them with conventionally treated nets (deltamethrin, 25 mg/m(2)). Nets of all six types were washed using a standard protocol and tested weekly using WHO cone bioassays with Anopheles gambiae (Kisumu strain). The PermaNet 1.0 was the most wash resistant with >50% mosquito mortality in WHO cone bioassays after as many as 20 washes. The Dawa net also retained some activity after repeated washing but exhibited wide variation in insecticide retention and biological activity. The remaining nets lost >90% of their biological activity after six washes as measured by 24-h mortality of A. gambiae in WHO cone tests. After 20 washes, all nets lost >50% of their initial insecticide concentrations except for the Olyset net. After 20 washes, nets were heated for 4 h at 60 degrees C to determine whether biological activity could be restored by heat-assisted regeneration. Only the Olyset net was regenerated by heating, with average mosquito mortality and knockdown in WHO cone tests rising to >90% after heating for 4 h at 60 degrees C. However, regeneration of the biological activity of Olyset nets that had been washed three times did not occur at 30 degrees C or 35 degrees C after 12 weeks. The wash resistance of these LLINs corresponded well to their retention of biological activity observed in a field trial, suggesting that wash resistance may be a good predictor of the longevity of insecticidal activity of LLINs under field conditions.
机译:持久的杀虫网(LLIN)可以消除对用于控制疟疾和其他媒介传播疾病的蚊帐进行再处理的需要。在实验室条件下反复洗涤后,LLIN的功效已用于预测田间条件下的持久功效。我们在实验室条件下评估了两个LLIN(PermaNet 1.0,丹麦Vestergaard-Frandsen; Olyset,住友化学公司,日本),两个候选LLIN(Dawa,Siamdutch Mosquito Netting Co,泰国; Insector,法国Athanor) )和采用旨在提高其耐洗性的工艺处理过的网,并将其与常规处理过的网进行比较(溴氰菊酯,25 mg / m(2))。使用标准规程清洗所有六种类型的蚊帐,并使用带有冈比亚按蚊(Kisumu株)的WHO锥形生物测定法每周进行测试。在进行多达20次洗涤后,WHO锥状生物测定法中PermaNet 1.0的耐洗性最高,蚊子死亡率> 50%。达瓦网在反复洗涤后也保留了一些活性,但在杀虫剂保留和生物活性方面表现出很大的差异。根据世卫组织锥虫试验中冈比亚按蚊的24小时死亡率测量,六次洗涤后,剩余的蚊帐丧失了超过90%的生物活性。洗涤20次后,除Olyset网外,所有网的初始杀虫剂浓度损失> 50%。洗涤20次后,将网在60摄氏度下加热4小时,以确定是否可以通过热辅助再生来恢复生物活性。在60℃加热4小时后,只有奥利塞特网通过加热再生,WHO锥状试验中的平均蚊虫死亡率和击倒率上升至> 90%。但是,经过三次洗涤的奥利塞特网的生物活性再生。 12周后未在30摄氏度或35摄氏度下发生。这些LLIN的耐洗涤性与其在田间试验中观察到的生物活性的保留非常吻合,这表明耐洗性可能是LLIN在野外条件下杀虫活性长寿的良好预测指标。



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