首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Malaria control in Vietnam: the Binh Thuan experience.

Malaria control in Vietnam: the Binh Thuan experience.


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Objective The National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in Vietnam is based on application of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs), spraying of insecticides and early microscopic diagnosis of malaria and treatment (EDTM) with artemisinin drugs. This study explores the implementation of the NMCP at provincial level and its impact on malaria incidence (mi) and prevalence in Binh Thuan in southern Vietnam. Methods Data on implementation of EDTM, distribution of ITNs, annual mi and Plasmodium index (pi) were derived from intervention logbooks and surveillance records kept by the provincial Malaria Station since 1988. The relation between interventions and the change of pi over time was analysed with Generalized Estimating Equations. Results Control activities focused on the highly endemic zones where ITNs were distributed free of charge to ethnic minority groups, including twice yearly re-impregnation, from 1992 onwards. This almost completely replaced insecticide spraying. Complete ITN coverage of these groups was achieved in 1995, constituting 40% of the entire population. In all malaria endemic communes, primary health care posts were consecutively upgraded or installed, mainly between 1992 and 1995, offering EDTM with artemisinin drugs free of charge. Before 1994, mi peaked to over 50/1000, pi to over 16% in the highly endemic zones. In 1998, these had decreased to below 9/1000 and 4% respectively. The effects of the interventions could not be discerned with statistical significance. Conclusion Malaria incidence and prevalence declined significantly in Vietnam, possibly due to the malaria control efforts, but coinciding with rapid socioeconomic changes.
机译:目的越南的国家疟疾控制计划(NMCP)基于杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐(ITNs)的应用,喷洒杀虫剂以及使用青蒿素药物对显微镜进行早期疟疾诊断和治疗(EDTM)。本研究探讨了NMCP在省一级的实施及其对越南南部平顺市疟疾发病率(mi)和流行率的影响。方法从1988年以来省疟疾站保存的干预日志和监测记录中提取EDTM的实施情况,ITN的分布,年度mi和疟原虫指数(pi)的数据。广义估计方程。结果控制活动的重点是从1992年起免费向少数族裔群体免费分发ITN的高流行区,包括每年两次的浸渍。这几乎完全取代了杀虫剂喷涂。 1995年实现了这些人群的完整ITN覆盖,占总人口的40%。在所有疟疾流行区,主要是在1992年至1995年之间,对初级卫生保健站进行了连续升级或安装,向EDTM免费提供了青蒿素药物。在1994年之前,mi在最高流行区达到峰值,超过50/1000,在pi达到16%以上。 1998年,这些数字分别降至9/1000以下和4%。干预措施的效果无法从统计学上看出。结论越南的疟疾发病率和流行率显着下降,这可能是由于控制疟疾的努力,但同时也伴随着迅速的社会经济变化。



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