首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation Proceedings >Prevalence of liver complications in pediatric patients on home parenteral nutrition: indications for intestinal or combined liver-intestinal transplantation.

Prevalence of liver complications in pediatric patients on home parenteral nutrition: indications for intestinal or combined liver-intestinal transplantation.


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Parenteral nutrition (PN) is the only treatment for patients affected by chronic intestinal failure (CIF). Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) programs are started when patients need prolonged PN. Unfortunately, many patients on prolonged PN develop liver disease (LD). The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence of LD in our series of patients on HPN. We reviewed our records of patients discharged from the hospital on HPN for CIF. HPN was started when one parent was fully trained in the use of this treatment and if the social and familial home environment was reliable. All patients received total PN by a central venous catheter. All patients with abnormal AST, ALT, ALK, gammaGT, and bilirubin values for more than 3 months were considered affected by PN-related LD. Thirty-six patients (23 of whom were boys and 13 girls) were discharged on HPN. During the study period, for CIF, 16 were affected by short bowel syndrome (SBS), of whom 6 had ultra-short bowel; 16 with functional intestinal failure, and 4 with chronic intestinal pseudobstruction (CIPO). Mean duration of HPN was 2.1 years/patient. Nine of 36 patients (25%) on HPN for CIF showed LD. Seven of the 16 patients (43%) with LD were affected by SBS and 2 (12.5%) patients by functional intestinal failure. No patients with CIPO developed LD. In patients affected by SBS, the onset of LD was very earlier than in patients with ID.
机译:肠外营养(PN)是受慢性肠衰竭(CIF)影响的患者的唯一治疗方法。当患者需要长期PN时,开始家庭肠外营养(HPN)计划。不幸的是,许多PN延长的患者会发展为肝病(LD)。本研究的目的是评估HPN系列患者中LD的患病率。我们回顾了我们的HPN CIF从医院出院的患者的记录。当一名父母接受了这种疗法的使用的充分培训,并且社交和家庭家庭环境可靠时,便开始了HPN。所有患者均通过中央静脉导管接受总PN。所有AST,ALT,ALK,gammaGT和胆红素值异常超过3个月的患者均被PN相关性LD影响。 36例患者(其中23例是男孩和13例女孩)因HPN出院。在研究期间,对于CIF,有16例患有短肠综合征(SBS),其中6例为超短肠。 16例患有功能性肠衰竭,4例患有慢性肠假性阻塞(CIPO)。 HPN的平均持续时间为2.1年/患者。在接受CIF的HPN的36例患者中,有9例(25%)显示LD。 16例LD患者中有7例(43%)受SBS影响,2例(12.5%)受功能性肠衰竭影响。没有CIPO患者发展为LD。在受SBS影响的患者中,LD的发作要比ID患者早。



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