首页> 外文期刊>Xenobiotica: the fate of foreign compounds in biological systems >Quantitative assessment of foetal exposure to trenbolone acetate, zeranol and melengestrol acetate, following maternal dosing in rabbits.

Quantitative assessment of foetal exposure to trenbolone acetate, zeranol and melengestrol acetate, following maternal dosing in rabbits.


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1. Residues of commonly used growth-promoting agents found in animal meat can be hormonally active and they have been implicated as possible endocrine disruptors in man. Although these compounds could be potentially detrimental to the developing foetus, it is not clear whether and to what extent they pass through placental barrier. 2. This issue was addressed using the rabbit as an animal model. Pregnant rabbits were treated with trenbolone acetate, zeranol or melengestrol acetate beginning at gestation day 14. Levels of active substances in plasma were screened by means of specific ELISA systems. The residues of parent compounds and their metabolites were quantified in maternal and foetal tissues on gestation day 27 using validated, sensitive HPLC/ELISA methods. 3. All three compounds crossed the placental barrier and were detectable in foetal tissues. The extent of tissue concentration varied depending on the compound and tissue analysed. Gender differences were observed in some instances.
机译:1.在动物肉中发现的常用生长促进剂的残留物可能具有激素活性,并且与人类可能的内分泌干扰物有关。尽管这些化合物可能对发育中的胎儿有害,但尚不清楚它们是否通过胎盘屏障以及在何种程度上通过胎盘屏障。 2.使用兔子作为动物模型解决了这个问题。从妊娠第14天开始,用醋酸群勃龙,zeranol或melengestrol醋酸盐处理怀孕的兔子。通过特异性ELISA系统筛选血浆中活性物质的水平。使用经过验证的灵敏HPLC / ELISA方法,在妊娠第27天对母体和胎儿组织中母体化合物及其代谢产物的残留进行定量。 3.所有这三种化合物都穿过胎盘屏障,并且在胎儿组织中可检测到。组织浓度的程度取决于所分析的化合物和组织。在某些情况下观察到性别差异。



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