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Contribution of Siberian researchers to the development of electron probe X-ray microanalysis


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In Siberia, some researchers from Irkutsk first published the papers on the primary spectra examination in 1966–1967, whereas in France and the Union of Soviet Socialist Repuclics the first papers describing the basics of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)[3,4] and original designs and constructions of microanalyzers were published in 1952–1953. Some time later, the EPMA approaches were introduced in France, Japan and the United States. An advancement was reported in EPMA by the late 1950s in the review paper by R. Castaing. According to the article by K. F. J. Heinrich, by 1965, the EPMA applications in geology were reported in 60 articles. In the overview published by K. Keil, it was reported that over 600 papers were dedicated to the utilization of EPMA in mineralogical, petrochemical and geochemical investigations by 1971. In 1973, I. B. Borovskii (Photo 1), the founder of EPMA in Russia, admitted that one could hardly identify the field of science and engineering, where the EPMA was not being successfully used.
机译:在西伯利亚,伊尔库茨克的一些研究人员于1966年至1967年首次发表了有关一次光谱检查的论文,而在法国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟则首次发表了描述电子探针显微分析(EPMA)基础的论文[3,4],微型分析仪的原始设计和构造发表于1952–1953年。一段时间后,在法国,日本和美国引入了EPMA方法。 R. Castaing在综述论文中报告了1950年代末EPMA的进步。根据K. F. J. Heinrich的文章,到1965年,已有60篇文章报道了EPMA在地质领域的应用。在K. Keil发表的概述中,据报道,到1971年,有600多篇论文致力于在矿物学,石化和地球化学研究中利用EPMA。1973年,俄罗斯EPMA的创始人IB Borovskii(照片1),坦言,人们几乎无法确定没有成功使用EPMA的科学和工程领域。



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