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New products and brand support for Cooper, Avon ranges


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RECENT INITIATIVES TO INCREASE AWARENESS OF THE COOPER TYRE BRAND in the UK and Europe have yielded positive results, and therefore CooperTire & Rubber Company Europe not only intends to continue these efforts, it has begun extending them to the Avon brand. During Reifen 2016, Tyres & Accessories caught up with Jeff Schumaker, managing director and vice-president of the tyre maker's European operations, and discussed where CooperTire Europe is heading with its two brands in regards to products, positioning and promotion. "We've done a lot with Cooper over the past two to three years," comments Schumaker. David Coulthard (whose visit to the Cooper Tire Europe stand on day one of the Reifen show created a minor sensation) has done an excellent job as an ambassador for the brand, and our efforts to raise awareness of Cooper through our Arsenal FC sponsorship have been met with success, both in terms of brand awareness and commercial growth. As we're launching a number of new Avon products, now is a good time to invest in that brand as well."
机译:在英国和欧洲,最近提高人们对库珀轮胎品牌的了解的举措取得了积极成果,因此,欧洲库柏橡胶公司不仅打算继续进行这些努力,而且还开始将其扩展到雅芳品牌。在Reifen 2016期间,Tires&Accessories采访了该轮胎制造商欧洲业务的董事总经理兼副总裁Jeff Schumaker,并讨论了CooperTire Europe在产品,定位和促销方面将向两个品牌发展的方向。 “在过去的两到三年中,我们在Cooper方面做了大量工作,” Schumaker说道。大卫·库特哈德(David Coulthard)(在Reifen展会的第一天访问库珀轮胎欧洲站时就引起了轻微的轰动)作为该品牌的代言人做得非常出色,我们通过阿森纳足球俱乐部赞助来提高库珀知名度的努力一直在在品牌知名度和商业增长方面都取得了成功。随着我们推出许多新的雅芳产品,现在也是投资该品牌的好时机。”



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