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Amtel-Vredestein in talk with continental: Reports say Conti could buy controlling stake by spring 2007-3-6


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Only weeks after it emerged that Continental was discus- sing a possible purchase of Slovakian tyremaker, Matador Rubber, reports have surfaced that Continental's eastward movement could now include purchasing the majority stake of Amtel-Vredestein. According to Russia's Bomber- sant newspaper, Amtel-Vredestein (AV) managing director Alexei Gurin recently initiated discussions with Continental AG and the company could sell a majority stake to the German company as soon as spring 2007. For its part AV confirmed it has held discussions with Continental "in relation to possible areas of cooperation in Russia." A Continental spokesman at the company's Hanover headquarters also confirmed that talks between the two companies had taken place.
机译:仅在几周后,美国大陆航空正在讨论可能收购斯洛伐克轮胎制造商Matador Rubber的报道,才浮出水面,大陆航空的东进运动现在可以包括购买Amtel-Vredestein的多数股权。据俄罗斯《轰炸机报》报道,Amtel-Vredestein(AV)董事总经理Alexei Gurin最近开始与Continental AG进行讨论,该公司可在2007年春季将其大部分股份出售给德国公司。与美国大陆航空的讨论“关于俄罗斯可能的合作领域”。该公司汉诺威总部的大陆航空发言人也证实,两家公司之间已经进行了会谈。



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