首页> 外文期刊>Turkish journal of zoology >Helminth parasites of the Balkan green lizard, Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga 1886, from Bursa, Turkey

Helminth parasites of the Balkan green lizard, Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga 1886, from Bursa, Turkey

机译:来自土耳其布尔萨的巴尔干绿蜥蜴的蠕虫寄生虫Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga 1886

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Thirty-eight Balkan green lizards, Lacerta trilineata, from Turkey were examined for helminths. Three species of Digenea, Plagiorchis elegans, Pleurogenoides medians, Brachylaemus sp. (metacercaria); 2 species of Cestoda, Oochoristica tuberculata and Mesocestoides sp. (tetrathyridium); and 6 species of Nematoda, Abbreviata abbreviata, Ascarops strongylina (larva in cysts), Falcaustra armenica, Oswaldocruzia fi liformis, Skrjabinelazia hoff manni, Skrjabinodon medinae, were found. Lacerta trilineata represents a new host record for each of the parasite species; Plagiorchis elegans, Brachylaemus sp., Oochoristica tuberculata, Mesocestoides sp., Abbreviata abbreviata, Ascarops strongylina (larva), Falcaustra armenica Skrjabinelazia hoff manni, and Skrjabinodon medinae are reported from Turkey for the first time.
机译:检查了来自土耳其的38只巴尔干绿蜥蜴Lacerta trilineata的蠕虫。 Digenea,Plagiorchis elegans,Pleurogenoides中位数,Brachylaemus sp。的三种。 (metarrcaria); Cestoda,Oochoristica tuberculata和Mesocestoides sp。2种。 (四吡啶鎓);共发现线虫,线虫,线虫(囊虫幼虫),Falcaustra armenica,Oswaldocruzia filiformis,Skrjabinelazia hoff manni,Skrjabinodon medinae 6种。 Lacerta trilineata代表每种寄生虫物种的新宿主记录;土耳其首次报道了线虫(Plagiorchis elegans),短螺旋藻(Brachylaemus sp。),结核菌(Oochoristica tuberculata),中胚芽孢菌(Mesocestoides sp。),短小Abbreviata abbreviata,小scar虫(Ascarops Strongylina)(幼虫),Falcaustra armenica Skrjabinelazia hoff manni和Skrjabinodon medinae。



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