首页> 外文期刊>Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences >The prevalences of helminth species according to faecal examination in equids in different cities in Turkey

The prevalences of helminth species according to faecal examination in equids in different cities in Turkey


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The faeces of 464 horses and 110 donkeys were collected and examined by the flotation, sedimentation and Baermenn-Wetzel methods in a parasitology laboratory (Turkey). The examinations showed that 327 of 464 (70.5%) horses and 85 of 110 (77.3%) donkeys were infected with the following species: in horses, Strongylidae sp. 62.7%, Strongyloides westeri 5.8%, Parascaris equorum 3.2%, Anoplocephalidae sp. 2.4%, Fasciola hepatica 0.9%, Oxyuris equi 0.6%, and Paranoplocephala mamillana 0.2%; and in donkeys; Strongylidae sp. 72.7%, Strongyloides westeri 13.6%, Parascaris equorum 2.7%, Fasciola hepatica 0.9%, Oxyuris equi 0.9% and Dicrocoelium dendriticum 0.9%.
机译:在寄生虫学实验室(土耳其),通过浮选,沉淀和Baermenn-Wetzel方法收集了464匹马和110头驴的粪便并进行了检查。检查结果显示,464匹马中的327(70.5%)和110匹驴中的85头(77.3%)感染了以下物种: 62.7%,Westernyloides westeri 5.8%,马Para虫3.2%,Anoplocephalidae sp。 2.4%,肝片Fasciola,0.9%,Oxyuris equi,0.6%和Paranoplocephala mamillana为0.2%;和驴; yl科72.7%,Westernyloides westeri 13.6%,马Para虫2.7%,肝片Fasciola 0.9%,Oxyuris equi 0.9%和Dicrocoelium dendriticum 0.9%。



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