首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Ecology >Distribution pattern of aboveground biomass in natural and plantation forests of humid tropics in northeast India

Distribution pattern of aboveground biomass in natural and plantation forests of humid tropics in northeast India


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Tree aboveground biomass (AGB) distribution and carbon storage in different DBH (diameter at breast height) classes were compared between natural semi-evergreen forest and sal plantation forest in the humid tropical region of northeast India. The natural forest had lower AGB (323.9 Mg ha(-1)) than the plantation forest (406.4 Mg ha(-1)). About 49% of the AGB was present in > 60 cm dbh trees in the natural forest against 24% in the plantation. forest. The carbon storage was highest in 60-80 cm and 40-60 cm dbh classes in the natural forest and plantation forest, respectively. The differential AGB and carbon distribution pattern has been related to past disturbance history and age of the forests. Although both the forests had potential for carbon sequestration due to presence of large number of trees belonging to small dbh classes, the plantation forest had an edge over the natural forest because of better silvicultural practices.
机译:在印度东北湿润热带地区的天然半常绿森林和婆罗双树人工林之间,比较了不同DBH(胸高直径)类别的树地上生物量(AGB)分布和碳储量。天然林的AGB(323.9 Mg ha(-1))低于人工林(406.4 Mg ha(-1))。天然林中约60%dbh树木中存在约49%的AGB,而人工林中约有24%。森林。天然林和人工林的碳储量分别为60-80 cm和40-60 cm dbh级。 AGB和碳分布的差异与过去的干扰历史和森林年龄有关。尽管由于存在大量属于小dbh类别的树木,这两种森林都有固碳的潜力,但由于更好的造林方式,人工林比天然林更具优势。



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