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Plasticity in Early Alzheimer Disease An Opportunity for Intervention


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The scientific evidence of plasticity, or the brain's dynamic ability to aiter its organization and activation throughout one's lifetime, has increased significantly over the last decade. This analytic review evaluates selected evidence regarding the persistence of plasticity in people with early-stage Alzheimer disease (AD}. Functional ncuroimaging provides persuasive evidence of plasticity throughout aging as well as the early stages of dementia, including the possibility of a heightened response during the prodromal period of AD. Behavioral outcomes research demonstrates the ability of people with early-stage A.[ to relearn previously forgotten information or otherwise improv cognitive abilities after a cognition-focused intervention. Both of these bodies of evidence support the existence of compensatory processes at work, even in the presence of dementia-related pathology. This retained ability of the brain to adapt to neurodegenerative disease in an attempt to maintain function may provide a valuable opportunity for intervention, particularl in the prodromal or earliest stages of AD.
机译:在过去的十年中,可塑性的科学证据或大脑在整个一生中对其组织和激活起作用的动态能力得到了显着提高。这项分析性综述评估了有关早期阿尔茨海默病(AD)患者可塑性持续性的部分证据,功能性神经影像学提供了有说服力的证据表明整个衰老过程以及痴呆症的早期阶段都存在可塑性,包括在老年痴呆症患者中反应增强的可能性。行为结局研究表明,处于早期阶段的A. []的人在以认知为重点的干预后具有重新学习以前遗忘的信息或以其他方式改善认知能力的能力。这两个证据都支持在即使在痴呆症相关的病理情况下,这种工作仍能发挥作用,这种保留的大脑适应神经退行性疾病以维持其功能的能力可能会提供宝贵的干预机会,尤其是在AD的前期或早期。



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