首页> 外文期刊>Tree Physiology >Spatial distribution of leaf dry weight per area and leaf nitrogen concentration in relation to local radiation regime within an isolated tree crown.

Spatial distribution of leaf dry weight per area and leaf nitrogen concentration in relation to local radiation regime within an isolated tree crown.


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To assess the spatial distribution of photosynthetic capacity within an isolated 20-year-old walnut tree (Juglans regia) crown, the distribution of relevant leaf characteristics was measured in field studies in a timber walnut orchard at Plauzat, France in summer 1996. Variations in leaf dry weight per area (Wa), and nitrogen concentration on a weight (Nw) and area basis (Na), were studied in relation to solar irradiance along one vertical and two horizontal transects, on July 30 and September 3. In addition, the concentrations of total nonstructural carbohydrates on a weight (TNCw) and area basis (TNCa) were measured on July 30. Concurrently, the spatial distribution of daily integrated leaf irradiance within the crown was simulated by a three-dimensional radiation transfer model over a one-week period before sampling at each date. Within the crown, high spatial heterogeneity was observed for Wa (from 50 to 140 g m-2), TNCa (from 4 to 17 g m-2) and Na (from 1.2 to 3.6 g m-2). Although TNCw and Nw were not correlated and only weakly correlated with daily leaf irradiance, respectively, Wa, TNCa and Na were strongly correlated with daily leaf irradiance. The relationship between observed Na and simulated daily leaf irradiance was used to assess the spatial distribution of Na within the crown at each date. Total leaf nitrogen in the foliage was estimated to be 339 g in late July and 317 g in early September. For the whole crown (i.e., 1729 current-year shoots), Na increased strongly with basal shoot diameter (an index of shoot vigour), highlighting the fact that large shoots were mainly located in sunlit locations and exhibited high photosynthetic capacity.
机译:为了评估孤立的20岁核桃树(Juglans regia)冠中光合能力的空间分布,1996年夏季在法国Plauzat的一个木材核桃果园中对相关叶片特征的分布进行了野外研究。研究了分别在7月30日和9月3日沿一个垂直和两个水平样点的日照强度与单位面积的叶片干重(Wa)以及氮的重量浓度(Nw)和面积基准(Na)的关系。于7月30日测量了总非结构性碳水化合物的总重量(TNCw)和面积(TNCa)浓度。同时,通过三维辐射传输模型在一个树冠上模拟了树冠内每日综合叶片辐照度的空间分布。每个日期采样前的一周时间。在冠部内,观察到Wa(50至140 g m-2),TNCa(4至17 g m-2)和Na(1.2至3.6 g m-2)的高度空间异质性。尽管TNCw和Nw分别与叶片日照度不相关,而仅与叶片的日照度弱相关,但Wa,TNCa和Na与叶片日照度密切相关。观察到的Na与模拟的每日叶片辐照度之间的关系用于评估每个日期的冠内Na的空间分布。据估计,7月下旬叶片中的总叶氮为339 g,9月初时为317 g。对于整个树冠(即当年的1729枝新芽),Na随基茎直径(枝干活力的指数)而强烈增加,这突出了一个事实,即大枝干主要位于阳光充足的地方,并具有较高的光合能力。



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