首页> 外文期刊>Transfusion: The Journal of the American Association of Blood Banks >A patient-centric approach to preventing allergic reactions to platelet transfusions.

A patient-centric approach to preventing allergic reactions to platelet transfusions.


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Allergic transfusion reactions (ATRs) are the most common transfusion complications. Although usually they are not serious, cumulatively they can amount to significant morbidity for the multiply transfused hospitalized patients who are the sickest of all patients. ATRs are attributed to a Type I hypersensitivity reaction mediated by preformed recipient antibody directed to an "allergen" in the transfused product. In practice, however, there is usually no identified culprit(s), and the ATR appears to involve an interaction between unspecified recipient and product (including donor) factors. To prevent ATRs, diphenhy-dramine is administered before more than half of the transfusions given in the United States, despite the fact that pretransfusion medication with 25 mg of diphenhy-dramine was found not to prevent ATRs in two randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Thus, although ATRs accompany 1% to 3% of all transfusions, the pathogenesis of ATRs remains poorly understood and effective prevention of ATRs eludes us.
机译:过敏性输血反应(ATR)是最常见的输血并发症。尽管通常情况并不严重,但对于所有患者中病情最严重的多次输血住院患者,累积起来它们的发病率可能很高。 ATR归因于I型超敏反应,该反应是由预先形成的受体抗体介导的,该受体抗体针对输血产物中的“过敏原”。然而,实际上,通常没有被查明的罪魁祸首,而ATR似乎涉及未指定的接收者和产品(包括捐助者)因素之间的相互作用。为了预防ATR,尽管在两个随机对照试验(RCT)中发现使用25 mg苯海拉明的输血前药物不能预防ATR,但在美国输血的一半以上之前要先给予苯海拉明。因此,尽管ATR占所有输血的1%到3%,但对ATR的发病机理仍知之甚少,有效的预防ATR的工作仍遥遥无期。



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