首页> 外文期刊>Transmission & Distribution World: The Information Leader Serving the Worldwide Power-Delivery Industry >After the gold rush: electric deregulation in California didn't exactly go as planned, what happens next, not only in California but in the rest on the country as well?

After the gold rush: electric deregulation in California didn't exactly go as planned, what happens next, not only in California but in the rest on the country as well?


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Throughout its history, California has had its fair share of economic booms and busts. In the mid-1800s, prospectors streamed across the Rockies to pan for gold in the Bay area. Defense contractors swarmed into Southern California in the wake of World War II. The entertainment industry mushroomed in and around Los Angeles with advances in motion picture and television technology. Silicon Valley spent the late 1990s in the grip of dot-com fever. No matter what the era or industry, the Golden State's enormous population and abundant natural resources always have served as a tremendous economic draw.
机译:纵观其历史,加州在经济的繁荣与萧条中享有应有的份额。 1800年代中期,探矿者横渡落基山脉,在海湾地区淘金。第二次世界大战后,国防承包商蜂拥进入南加州。随着电影和电视技术的进步,娱乐业在洛杉矶及其周边地区蓬勃发展。硅谷度过了1990年代末的互联网泡沫。无论时代或产业如何,黄金之州的巨大人口和丰富的自然资源始终是巨大的经济吸引力。



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