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GE Forms Grid Solutions with Acquisition of Alstom Power and Grid Businesses


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GE has completed the acquisition of Alstom's power and grid businesses, and in turn, combined GE Digital Energy and Alstom Grid to form Grid Solutions, a GE and Alstom joint venture. By bringing together more than 200 years of experience in advanced energy solutions, Grid Solutions equips 90% of power utilities worldwide with estimated revenues of US$ 6.2 billion. With more than 20,000 employees in approximately 80 countries, Grid Solutions has created a new global power and technology services leader with an unmatched set of offerings for its combined customer base. The partnership further emphasizes GE's commitment to deliver power reliably and efficiently from the point of generation to the end power consumers.
机译:GE已经完成了对阿尔斯通电力和电网业务的收购,并且将GE数字能源和阿尔斯通电网合并,组成了Grid Solutions,这是GE和阿尔斯通的合资企业。 Grid Solutions汇集了200多年的先进能源解决方案经验,为全球90%的电力公司提供了62亿美元的收入。 Grid Solutions在全球约80个国家/地区拥有20,000多名员工,通过合并后的客户群提供了无与伦比的产品组合,从而创造了新的全球电源和技术服务领导者的地位。该合作伙伴关系进一步强调了GE从发电到最终用电方可靠,高效地提供电力的承诺。



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