首页> 外文期刊>Biological psychiatry >Dynamics of defensive reactivity in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia: Implications for the etiology of panic disorder

Dynamics of defensive reactivity in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia: Implications for the etiology of panic disorder


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The learning perspective of panic disorder distinguishes between acute panic and anxious apprehension as distinct emotional states. Following animal models, these clinical entities reflect different stages of defensive reactivity depending upon the imminence of interoceptive or exteroceptive threat cues. The current study tested this model by investigating the dynamics of defensive reactivity in a large group of patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia (PD/AG). Three hundred forty-five PD/AG patients participated in a standardized behavioral avoidance test (being entrapped in a small, dark chamber for 10 minutes). Defense reactivity was assessed measuring avoidance and escape behavior, self-reports of anxiety and panic symptoms, autonomic arousal (heart rate and skin conductance), and potentiation of the startle reflex before and during exposure of the behavioral avoidance test. Panic disorder and agoraphobia patients differed substantially in their defensive reactivity. While 31.6% of the patients showed strong anxious apprehension during this task (as indexed by increased reports of anxiety, elevated physiological arousal, and startle potentiation), 20.9% of the patients escaped from the test chamber. Active escape was initiated at the peak of the autonomic surge accompanied by an inhibition of the startle response as predicted by the animal model. These physiological responses resembled the pattern observed during the 34 reported panic attacks. We found evidence that defensive reactivity in PD/AG patients is dynamically organized ranging from anxious apprehension to panic with increasing proximity of interoceptive threat. These data support the learning perspective of panic disorder.
机译:恐慌症的学习视角将急性恐慌症和焦虑症区分为不同的情绪状态。根据动物模型,这些临床实体会根据感知间或感知外威胁提示的临近来反映防御反应的不同阶段。当前的研究通过调查大量恐慌症和恐惧症(PD / AG)患者的防御反应动力学来测试该模型。 345名PD / AG患者参加了标准化的行为回避测试(被困在一个黑暗的小房间里10分钟)。评估防御反应性,测量避免和逃避行为,焦虑和惊恐症状的自我报告,自主唤醒(心律和皮肤电导)以及暴露于行为避免测试之前和期间的惊吓反射增强。恐慌症和广场恐惧症患者的防御反应性存在很大差异。尽管有31.6%的患者在此任务期间表现出强烈的焦虑感(通过增加的焦虑,生理唤醒和惊吓增强的报告来表明),但仍有20.9%的患者从测试室逃脱了。主动逃逸始于自主神经激增的高峰,并伴随着动物模型所预测的惊吓反应的抑制。这些生理反应类似于在报告的34次恐慌发作期间观察到的模式。我们发现有证据表明,PD / AG患者的防御反应是动态组织的,范围从焦虑到恐慌,伴随着相互感知威胁的距离增加。这些数据支持恐慌症的学习观点。



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