首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Fisheries Society >Trophic Feasibility of Reintroducing Anadromous Salmonids in Three Reservoirs on the North Fork Lewis River, Washington: Prey Supply and Consumption Demand of Resident Fishes

Trophic Feasibility of Reintroducing Anadromous Salmonids in Three Reservoirs on the North Fork Lewis River, Washington: Prey Supply and Consumption Demand of Resident Fishes


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The reintroduction of anadromous salmonids in reservoirs is being proposed with increasing frequency, requiring baseline studies to evaluate feasibility and estimate the capacity of reservoir food webs to support reintroduced populations. Using three reservoirs on the north fork Lewis River as a case study, we demonstrate a method to determine juvenile salmonid smolt rearing capacities for lakes and reservoirs. To determine if the Lewis River reservoirs can support reintroduced populations of juvenile stream-type Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, we evaluated the monthly production of daphnia Daphnia spp. (the primary zooplankton consumed by resident salmonids in the system) and used bioenergetics to model the consumption demand of resident fishes in each reservoir. To estimate the surplus of Daphnia prey available for reintroduced salmonids, we assumed a maximum sustainable exploitation rate and accounted for the consumption demand of resident fishes. The number of smolts that could have been supported was estimated by dividing any surplus Daphnia production by the simulated consumption demand of an individual Chinook Salmon fry rearing in the reservoir to successful smolt size. In all three reservoirs, densities of Daphnia were highest in the epilimnion, but warm epilimnetic temperatures and the vertical distribution of planktivores suggested that access to abundant epilimnetic prey was limited. By comparing accessible prey supply and demand on a monthly basis, we were able to identify potential prey supply bottlenecks that could limit smolt production and growth. These results demonstrate that a bioenergetics approach can be a valuable method of examining constraints on lake and reservoir rearing capacity, such as thermal structure and temporal food supply. This method enables numerical estimation of rearing capacity, which is a useful metric for managers evaluating the feasibility of reintroducing Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. in lentic systems.
机译:拟议在水库中重新引入无水鲑科动物,其频率越来越高,需要进行基线研究以评估可行性,并评估水库食物网支持重新引入种群的能力。以北叉刘易斯河上的三个水库为例,我们演示了一种确定湖泊和水库中幼鲑鲑鱼养殖能力的方法。为了确定刘易斯河水库是否可以支持重新引入的小溪型奇努克鲑鱼Oncorhynchus tshawytscha种群,我们评估了水蚤Daphnia spp的月产量。 (系统中常驻鲑鱼消耗的主要浮游动物),并使用生物能学来模拟每个水库中常驻鱼类的消费需求。为了估算可用于再引入鲑鱼的水蚤捕捞剩余,我们假定了最大的可持续开采率并考虑了居民鱼类的消费需求。通过将多余的水蚤产量除以水库中饲养的单个奇努克鲑鱼苗的模拟消费需求,以模拟的需求量来估算可支持的软体动物的数量。在所有三个储层中,水蚤的密度最高,但温热的上层温度和浮游动物的垂直分布表明,丰富的上层猎物的进入受到限制。通过每月比较可获取的猎物供应和需求,我们能够识别出可能限制mol鱼生产和增长的潜在猎物供应瓶颈。这些结果表明,生物能学方法可能是检查湖泊和水库饲养能力(例如热结构和临时食物供应)约束的一种有价值的方法。这种方法可以对饲养能力进行数值估算,这对于管理人员评估重新引入太平洋鲑鱼Oncorhynchus spp的可行性是一个有用的指标。在透镜系统中。



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