首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Fisheries Society >Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to Identify and Characterize Overwintering Areas of Fish in Ice-Covered Arctic Rivers: A Demonstration with Broad Whitefish and Their Habitats in the Sagavanirktok River, Alaska

Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to Identify and Characterize Overwintering Areas of Fish in Ice-Covered Arctic Rivers: A Demonstration with Broad Whitefish and Their Habitats in the Sagavanirktok River, Alaska


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In northern climates, locating overwintering fish can be very challenging due to thick ice cover. Areas near the coast of the Beaufort Sea provide valuable overwintering habitat for both resident and anadromous fish species; identifying them and understanding their use of overwintering areas is of special interest. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery from two spaceborne satellites was examined as an alternative to radiotelemetry for identifying anadromous fish overwintering. The presence of water and ice were sampled at 162 sites, and fish were sampled at 16 of these sites. From SAR imagery alone, we successfully identified large pools inhabited by overwintering fish in the ice-covered Sagavanirktok River, Alaska. In addition, the imagery was able to identify all of the larger pools (mean minimum length = 138 m, SD = 131, range = 15-470 m) of water located by field sampling. The effectiveness of SAR in identifying these pools varied from 31% to 100%, depending on imagery polarization, the incidence angle range, and the orbit. Horizontal transmit-vertical receive (HV) polarization appeared to be best. The accuracy of SAR was also assessed at a finer pixel-by-pixel scale (30 30 m). The best correspondence at this finer scale was obtained with an image having HV polarization. The levels of agreement ranged from 54% to 69%. The presence of broad whitefish Coregonus nasus (the only anadromous species present) was associated with salinity and pool size (estimated with SAR imagery); fish were more likely to be found in larger pools with low salinity. This research illustrates that SAR imaging has great potential for identifying under-ice overwintering areas of riverine fish. These techniques should allow managers to identify critical overwintering areas more easily and at lower cost than traditional techniques permit.
机译:在北部气候中,由于冰层厚实,定位越冬鱼可能非常困难。博福特海沿岸地区为常驻鱼类和淡水鱼类提供了宝贵的越冬栖息地;识别他们并了解他们对越冬区域的使用具有特殊意义。检查了两个星载卫星的合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像,作为无线电遥测的替代方法,用于识别过鱼的过冬。在162个地点取样了水和冰,在其中16个地点取样了鱼。仅从SAR图像中,我们就成功地发现了阿拉斯加冰雪覆盖的Sagavanirktok河中鱼越冬而栖息的大型水池。此外,通过现场采样,图像能够识别所有较大的水池(平均最小长度= 138 m,SD = 131,范围= 15-470 m)。 SAR识别这些池的有效性从31%到100%不等,具体取决于图像极化,入射角范围和轨道。水平发射-垂直接收(HV)极化似乎是最好的。 SAR的准确性也可以在更细的像素(30 30 m)范围内进行评估。通过具有HV极化的图像,可以在此更精细的比例上获得最佳对应。协议的水平从54%到69%不等。宽阔的白鱼Coregonus nasus(存在的唯一无鳍种)的存在与盐度和库的大小有关(用SAR图像估计);在盐度较低的大型水池中更有可能发现鱼类。这项研究表明,SAR成像技术有很大潜力来识别河底鱼类的冰下越冬区域。与传统技术相比,这些技术应使管理人员能够更轻松,更低成本地确定关键的越冬区域。



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