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Murder, social banditry, and Irish identities: reflections on a case study of the Old Transvaal


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Charles Van Onselen's Masked Raiders is reviewed comparatively to suggest that Irish identities are always contested; that during early capitalist competition, like that in the Old Transvaal before Union, amateur "primitive rebels" or "outlaw heroes" cannot match harder professional accumulators, like Cecil John Rhodes; that murder is not heroic; that subaltern history is inevitably about subalterns, who cannot rationally be promoted to "lead the parade"; and that Rhodes and his ilk made a major contribution to the long run project, begun in the 17th century, which culminated in English's dominating the world by the 21st century; whereas the primitive bandits in question, whether hanged, shot dead, jailed or escaped, were largely irrelevant to history, despite the fascination with which humans approach the murderous criminal mind.
机译:查尔斯·范·昂瑟伦(Charles Van Onselen)的《蒙面的突袭者》经过了比较审查,以表明爱尔兰人的身份始终备受争议。在早期的资本主义竞争中,就像在联盟之前的旧德瓦瓦勒那样,业余的“原始叛乱分子”或“非法英雄”无法与像塞西尔·约翰·罗德斯这样的更坚强的专业积累者匹敌;谋杀不是英勇的;子代历史不可避免地是关于子代的,这些子代不能被合理地提升为“领导游行”;罗德斯和他的同僚为始于17世纪的长期项目做出了重大贡献,该项目最终使英语在21世纪统治了世界;尽管人类对谋杀犯罪分子的痴迷之情,所讨论的原始强盗,无论是绞死,被枪杀,入狱还是逃脱,在很大程度上与历史无关。



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