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The Reasons for the Recent Decline in Young Driver Licensing in the United States


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Objective: This survey examined why a substantial percentage of young adults currently do not have a driver's license and the future plans of this group concerning obtaining a license. Method: A questionnaire was developed to examine several issues related to an individual's decision not to obtain a driver's license. An online survey was conducted, yielding useable responses from 618 persons aged 18 to 39 without a driver's license. Results: The top 8 reasons for not having a driver's license were as follows: (1) too busy or not enough time to get a driver's license (determined by personal priorities), (2) owning and maintaining a vehicle is too expensive, (3) able to get transportation from others, (4) prefer to bike or walk, (5) prefer to use public transportation, (6) concerned about how driving impacts the environment, (7) able to communicate and/or conduct business online instead, and (8) disability/medical/vision problems. Of the respondents, 22% indicated that they plan to never obtain a driver's license. On the other hand, 69% expect to get a driver's license within the next 5 years. Young adults without a driver's license-in comparison with the general population of the same age-tend to have less education and higher unemployment. However, the present study was not designed to investigate whether there is a causal relationship or the direction of the effect if there were such a relationship.
机译:目的:本次调查研究了为什么现在有很大比例的年轻人没有驾驶执照,以及该群体关于获得驾照的未来计划。方法:编制了调查表,以调查与个人决定不获得驾驶执照有关的若干问题。进行了在线调查,得到了618名年龄在18岁至39岁之间且没有驾驶执照的人的有用答复。结果:没有驾驶执照的八大原因如下:(1)太忙或没有足够的时间来获取驾驶执照(由个人优先级决定),(2)拥有和维护车辆太昂贵,( 3)能够从他人那里获得交通运输;(4)喜欢骑自行车或步行;(5)喜欢使用公共交通工具;(6)关注驾驶如何影响环境;(7)能够在线交流和/或开展业务而是(8)残疾/医疗/视觉问题。在受访者中,有22%表示他们计划永远不会获得驾驶执照。另一方面,有69%的人希望在未来5年内获得驾照。没有驾驶执照的年轻人与同年龄段的普通人群相比,受教育程度较低,失业率较高。但是,本研究并非旨在调查是否存在因果关系或如果存在这种关系,则影响的方向。



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