首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Domestic dog ownership: a risk factor for human infection with Leishmania (Viannia) species.

Domestic dog ownership: a risk factor for human infection with Leishmania (Viannia) species.


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An epidemiological study has shown that cumulative, village prevalence of Leishmania (Viannia) infection in dogs ranges from 8% to 45% in Huanuco, Peru. Using data from a prospective survey of human American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) collected during 1994-98, it was shown that the village-level risk of human ACL did not significantly increase with dog abundance, neither in absolute terms (P = 0.659) nor in relation to dog:human ratios (P = 0.213). A significant positive association was observed between risk of human ACL and village dog ACL prevalence (P = 0.022). When controlled for village dog ACL prevalence, there also was an association between the average number of dogs per household and risk of human ACL (P = 0.033). The results suggest that dogs play a role in the (peri)domestic transmission of Le. (Viannia) to humans in Huanuco and indicate that a control intervention targeting dogs to control human ACL is warranted.
机译:一项流行病学研究表明,在秘鲁的瓦努科,狗的利什曼原虫(维尼亚)感染的累积乡村患病率在8%至45%之间。使用1994-98年间收集的人类美洲皮肤利什曼病(ACL)的前瞻性调查数据,结果表明,无论狗绝对数量,乡村水平的人类ACL风险均未显着增加(绝对值(P = 0.659))关于狗与人的比例(P = 0.213)。观察到人ACL风险与乡村犬ACL患病率之间存在显着的正相关(P = 0.022)。在控制乡村犬ACL患病率时,每户平均狗只数量与人的ACL风险之间也存在关联(P = 0.033)。结果表明,狗在Le的体内传播中起作用。 (Viannia)对Huanuco的人类,并表明有针对性的针对狗的控制干预措施是有必要的。



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