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Analysis of ancient embroideries by IBA techniques


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Ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques are often used to study works of art, mainly for their nondestructive character. In these techniques, products of interactions between beams and targets are exploited to determine the elemental composition of the sample surface down to depths from few micrometres to hundreds of micrometres, depending on incident particles, their energy and target material. For samples with surface inhomogeneities, information about elemental distribution can be essential to discriminate contributions from different areas. At the authors' laboratory in Florence (LABEC), the external scanning proton microprobe facility - installed on a beam line of the 3 MV Tandem Accelerator - allows samples to be analysed in atmosphere, with spatial resolution down to around micrometres, and to extract elemental maps from the investigated areas. Recently, there has been the opportunity of analysing a 'gold lace embroidery' (using silk threads, spiral wrapped by a sort of miniature golden tape) after a cartoon by Raffaellino del Garbo (the fifteenth-sixteenth centuries).
机译:离子束分析(IBA)技术通常用于研究艺术品,主要是因为它们具有非破坏性。在这些技术中,利用光束和目标之间相互作用的产物来确定样品表面的元素组成,深度从几微米到几百微米不等,具体取决于入射粒子,其能量和目标材料。对于具有表面不均匀性的样品,有关元素分布的信息对于区分不同区域的贡献可能至关重要。在佛罗伦萨的作者实验室(LABEC),外部扫描质子微探针设备-安装在3 MV串联加速器的光束线上-允许在大气中分析样品,空间分辨率低至约微米,并提取元素来自调查区域的地图。最近,有机会分析拉斐尔·德尔·嘉宝(Raffaellino del Garbo)(第16至16世纪)的漫画之后的“金花边刺绣”(使用丝线,螺旋状缠绕有微型金色胶带)。



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