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Tribology's contribution to archaeology


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Nowadays, archaeology is a multidisciplinary science, aware of the possibilities which advanced technologies can bring about. Thus tribology, the science of wear and friction, has been for some time one of the analysing techniques leading to a better knowledge of our past. It studies the mechanisms of wear, abrasion and friction which took place during the manufacturing or the use of an object. Recently, two hoards of bronze objects, dating from the middle phase of the Final Bronze Age (1100-900 BC), were discovered on the site of les Feuilly in Saint-Priest (Rhone, France). These bronzes which reached us are the last markers of the techniques of former craftsmen: their surfaces reveal many traces, which are the memory of their manufacturing skills and their 'social life'. The archaeological and tribological study was conceived to raise questions about gestures and processes used particularly for the decoration of bronze objects, in order to have a better knowledge of the crafstman's know-how. We could determine that decorative patterns of the bracelet 375 were created after the casting process, by chasing. The tools used were thus chasing tools, probably made of bronze. We had also the possibilities to reconstitute part of the kinetics of the bracelet decoration.
机译:如今,考古学是一门多学科的科学,意识到先进技术可以带来的可能性。因此,摩擦学,即磨损和摩擦学,在一段时间以来一直是一种分析技术,可以使人们更好地了解我们的过去。它研究了在物体的制造或使用过程中发生的磨损,磨损和摩擦的机理。最近,在圣普里斯特(法国罗纳)的les Feuilly遗址上发现了两个ho葬的青铜器,其历史可追溯到最后的青铜器时代(公元前1100-900)。这些到达我们的青铜器是前工匠技术的最后标志:它们的表面暴露出许多痕迹,这些痕迹是对他们的制造技能和“社会生活”的记忆。考古学和摩擦学研究的目的是提出有关专门用于装饰青铜器的手势和过程的问题,以便对工匠的专有技术有更好的了解。我们可以通过追踪确定铸造后的手镯375的装饰图案。因此,所使用的工具是追赶工具,可能是青铜制成的。我们也有可能重构手镯装饰的部分动力学。



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