首页> 外文期刊>Toxicology mechanisms and methods >Markers of Long-Term Exposure to Organophosphorus Pesticides in Farmers Who Work in Viniculture and Tobacco Production in Turkey

Markers of Long-Term Exposure to Organophosphorus Pesticides in Farmers Who Work in Viniculture and Tobacco Production in Turkey


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The first aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of organophosphorus (OP) pesticides' exposure in viniculture and tobacco production workers via physical examination (neurology and general health aspect) and analysis of paraoxonase (PON1) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activities. The second aim was to investigate if PON1 polymorphism plays any role in long-term OP exposure. A total of 93 farmers who work as applicators in agriculture were studied. The data were evaluated according to agricultural type, and although the total exposure time was similar in both areas, BuChE and PON1 activities of farmers who work in tobacco production were lower. Overall, BuChE and PON1 activities showed a depletion in the farmer group compared to age-matched controls. When the farmers were categorized according to the number of their symptoms, the BuChE activities of farmers who had two or more symptoms were found to be depleted (n = 43, 2948 ?756) compared to farmers who had one or no symptoms (n = 37, 3356 ?659). Allele frequencies of patients and controls for positions 55 and 192 were similar to Turkish population data and there was no association between the allele polymorphism and symptoms/signs of long-term exposure. Our results indicate that there is an important inhibition of PON1 activity in chronic OP poisoning, and this together with BuChE activity might well be used as a reliable index of chronic exposure to OP.
机译:这项研究的首要目的是通过身体检查(神经病学和一般健康状况)以及对氧磷酶(PON1)和丁酰胆碱酯酶(BuChE)活性的分析,评估葡萄栽培和烟草生产工人中有机磷(OP)农药的暴露程度。第二个目的是研究PON1多态性在长期OP暴露中是否起任何作用。研究了总共93名在农业上应用农具的农民。根据农业类型评估了数据,尽管两个地区的总暴露时间相似,但是从事烟草生产的农民的BuChE和PON1活性却较低。总体而言,与年龄匹配的对照组相比,农民组中的BuChE和PON1活性降低。当按照症状的数量对农民进行分类时,发现有两个或更多症状的农民的BuChE活动被耗尽(n = 43,2948?756),而没有或没有症状的农民(n = 37,3356?659)。 55位和192位患者和对照的等位基因频率与土耳其人口数据相似,并且等位基因多态性与长期暴露的症状/体征之间没有关联。我们的结果表明,在慢性OP中毒中对PON1活性具有重要的抑制作用,并且其与BuChE活性一起可以很好地用作慢性OP暴露的可靠指标。



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