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How to Advance One's Career, Manage One's Team, and Become a More Successful Leader; Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


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To assist in understanding your leadership style and how you can communicate effectively with others in the workplace, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) can provide revealing and useful insights. The MBTI can help you recognize that people do not all speak the same "language." Understanding the concepts and framework of the MBTI can bridge differing perspectives that affect teamwork and work relationships. It can be a tool to aid in working together more effectively on a project and in helping learn how to promote each other's best quality work. It also provides pathways for discovering each other's values and needs and for finding avenues for developing oneself.
机译:为了帮助您理解领导风格以及如何与工作场所中的其他人有效沟通,迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(MBTI)可以提供启发性的有用见解。 MBTI可以帮助您认识到人们并非都说相同的“语言”。了解MBTI的概念和框架可以桥接影响团队合作和工作关系的不同观点。它可以作为一种工具,以帮助在项目上更有效地合作,并帮助学习如何促进彼此的最佳质量的工作。它还为发现彼此的价值观和需求以及为自身发展找到途径提供了途径。



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