首页> 外文期刊>Toxicological sciences: An official journal of the Society of Toxicology >In utero and lactational exposure to bisphenol A, in contrast to ethinyl estradiol, does not alter sexually dimorphic behavior, puberty, fertility, and anatomy of female LE rats.

In utero and lactational exposure to bisphenol A, in contrast to ethinyl estradiol, does not alter sexually dimorphic behavior, puberty, fertility, and anatomy of female LE rats.


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Many chemicals released into the environment display estrogenic activity including the oral contraceptive ethinyl estradiol (EE2) and the plastic monomer bisphenol A (BPA). EE2 is present in some aquatic systems at concentrations sufficient to alter reproductive function of fishes. Many concerns have been raised about the potential effects of BPA. The National Toxicology Program rated the potential effects of low doses of BPA on behavior and central nervous system (CNS) as an area of "some concern," whereas most effects were rated as of negligible area was limited. The current study was designed to determine if maternal exposure to relatively low oral doses of EE2 or BPA in utero and during lactation would alter the expression of well-characterized sexually dimorphic behaviors or alter the age of puberty or reproductive function in the female Long-Evans rat offspring. Pregnant rats were gavaged with vehicle, EE2 (0.05-50 microg/kg/day), or BPA (2, 20, and 200 microg/kg/day) from day 7 of gestation to postnatal day (PND) 18, and the female offspring were studied. EE2 (50 microg/kg/day) increased anogenital distance and reduced pup body weight at PND2, accelerated the age at vaginal opening, reduced F1 fertility and F2 litter sizes, and induced malformations of the external genitalia (5 microg/kg). F1 females exposed to EE2 also displayed a reduced (male-like) saccharin preference (5 microg/kg) and absence of lordosis behavior (15 microg/kg), indications of defeminization of the CNS. BPA had no effect on any of the aforementioned measures. These results demonstrate that developmental exposure to pharmacologically relevant dosage levels of EE2 can permanently disrupt the reproductive morphology and function of the female rat.
机译:释放到环境中的许多化学物质都具有雌激素活性,包括口服避孕药乙炔雌二醇(EE2)和塑料单体双酚A(BPA)。 EE2在某些水生系统中的浓度足以改变鱼类的繁殖功能。人们对双酚A的潜在影响提出了许多关注。美国国家毒理学计划将低剂量的双酚A对行为和中枢神经系统(CNS)的潜在影响评为“令人关注的领域”,而将大多数影响评为可忽略的领域是有限的。当前的研究旨在确定母体在子宫内和哺乳期是否接受相对较低的口服剂量的EE2或BPA会改变特征明确的性二态行为的表达或改变女性Long-Evans的青春期或生殖功能的年龄老鼠的后代。从妊娠的第7天到出生后第18天(PND),对怀孕的大鼠进行赋形剂,EE2(0.05-50 microg / kg /天)或BPA(2、20和200 microg / kg /天)的灌胃对后代进行了研究。 EE2(50 microg / kg / day)延长了肛门生殖器距离,降低了PND2的幼仔体重,加速了阴道开口的年龄,降低了F1的受精能力和F2的产仔量,并诱发了外生殖器畸形(5 microg / kg)。暴露于EE2的F1雌性也表现出降低的(类雄性)糖精偏爱(5微克/千克)和无前凸行为(15微克/千克),这表明中枢神经系统已女性化。 BPA对上述任何措施均无影响。这些结果表明,发育暴露于与药理学有关的剂量水平的EE2可以永久破坏雌性大鼠的生殖形态和功能。



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