首页> 外文期刊>Toxicological sciences: An official journal of the Society of Toxicology >Gestational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) severely alters reproductive function of female hamster offspring.

Gestational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) severely alters reproductive function of female hamster offspring.


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Low doses of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), administered as a single dose to the dam during gestation, alter development of the fetal rodent reproductive system. In male rat and hamster offspring, dosing with TCDD during gestation reduces epididymal and ejaculated sperm counts and delays puberty. In female rats, in utero TCDD-exposure results in reduced ovarian weight and fecundity, and induces cleft phallus and a persistent thread of tissue across the vaginal orifice. Here, we demonstrate that 2-microgram TCDD/kg, administered as a single oral dose prior to sexual differentiation, alters reproductive function in female hamster offspring, a species relatively resistant to the lethal effects of TCDD. In the current study, pregnant hamsters (P0 generation) were dosed orally with vehicle (corn oil) or 2 micrograms TCDD/kg on gestational day (GD) 11.5. P0 maternal viability, body weight, fertility, and F1 litter size did not differ between control and treated groups. In the F1 generation, body weights were permanently reduced by about 30%, vaginal opening was delayed (p < 0.0001), and vaginal estrous cycles were altered by TCDD treatment. In contrast, most treated female offspring displayed regular 4-day behavioral estrous cycles, indicating that in utero TCDD treatment did not markedly disrupt hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal hormonal cyclicity. Although both control and TCDD-treated F1 females mated successfully with a control male (estrous cyclicity was abolished by mating), 20% of the F1 treated females did not become not pregnant (no implants). In addition, 38% of pregnant F1 females from the TCDD group died near-term, and the numbers of implants in pregnant animals (treated 5.1 versus 11.3) and pups born live (2.7 treated vs. 8.7 control) were reduced by TCDD-treatment. In the F2, survival through weaning was drastically reduced (15% treated vs. 78% for control) by TCDD treatment of P0 dams. F1 female hamster offspring exposed in utero to TCDD displayed external urogenital malformations, with most females having complete clefting of the phallus, an effect previously reported in the rat. Unlike rats exposed to TCDD (0.2-1.0 microgram/kg) on GD 15 or GD 8, hamster offspring did not display vaginal threads. These results demonstrate that in utero administration of TCDD adversely affects growth, reproductive function, and anatomy in female hamster offspring given a dosage level nearly four orders of magnitude below the dosage level toxic to the adult animal. Adverse effects of TCDD persisted through two generations (F1 and F2), even though the F1 was only indirectly exposed during gestation and lactation.
机译:低剂量的2,3,7,8-四氯二苯并-对-二恶英(TCDD)在妊娠期间作为单一剂量施用于大坝,可改变胎儿啮齿动物生殖系统的发育。在雄性大鼠和仓鼠的后代中,在妊娠期给予TCDD可减少附睾和射精的精子数量,并延缓青春期。在雌性大鼠中,子宫内TCDD暴露会导致卵巢重量和生殖力降低,并会引起阴茎裂和阴道口组织的持久线。在这里,我们证明了2微克TCDD / kg(在性别分化之前以单次口服剂量给药)可以改变雌性仓鼠后代的繁殖功能,该物种相对抵抗TCDD的致死作用。在当前的研究中,妊娠仓鼠(P0代)在妊娠日(GD)11.5口服给予媒介物(玉米油)或2微克TCDD / kg。对照组和治疗组之间的P0产妇生存力,体重,生育力和F1产仔数没有差异。在F1代中,体重永久减少了约30%,阴道开放被延迟(p <0.0001),并且通过TCDD治疗改变了阴道的发情周期。相反,大多数接受治疗的雌性后代表现出规律的4天行为发情周期,表明在子宫内TCDD治疗并未显着破坏下丘脑-垂体-性腺的激素循环。尽管对照和经TCDD处理的F1雌性均与对照雄性成功交配(通过交配消除了发情的周期性),但F1处理的雌性中有20%没有怀孕(没有植入物)。此外,TCDD组中38%的怀孕F1雌性动物在短期内死亡,并且通过TCDD处理减少了怀孕动物中的植入物数量(治疗5.1对11.3)和活体幼仔(2.7处理对8.7对照)。 。在F2中,通过TCDD处理P0水坝,断奶后的存活率大大降低(治疗的15%比对照的78%)。在子宫内暴露于TCDD的F1雌性仓鼠后代表现出外部泌尿生殖道畸形,大多数雌性具有完全的阴茎裂痕,这种作用先前曾在大鼠中报道过。与暴露于GD 15或GD 8的TCDD(0.2-1.0微克/千克)的大鼠不同,仓鼠后代没有显示阴道线。这些结果表明,在子宫内给予TCDD对雌性仓鼠后代的生长,生殖功能和解剖结构有不利影响,其剂量水平比对成年动物有毒的剂量水平低了近四个数量级。 TCDD的不良影响持续了两个世代(F1和F2),尽管F1仅在妊娠和哺乳期间间接暴露。



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