首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical and Applied Genetics: International Journal of Breeding Research and Cell Genetics >Fine mapping, phenotypic characterization and validation of non-race-specific resistance to powdery mildew in a wheat-Triticum militinae introgression line.

Fine mapping, phenotypic characterization and validation of non-race-specific resistance to powdery mildew in a wheat-Triticum militinae introgression line.

机译:小麦-Triticum militinae渗入系中细作图,表型鉴定和对非种族特异性白粉病抗性的验证。

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Introgression of several genomic loci from tetraploid Triticum militinae into bread wheat cv. Tahti has increased resistance of introgression line 8.1 to powdery mildew in seedlings and adult plants. In our previous work, only a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 4AL of the line 8.1 contributed significantly to resistance, whereas QTL on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2A, 5A and 5B were detected merely on a suggestive level. To verify and characterize all QTLs in the line 8.1, a mapping population of double haploid lines was established. Testing for seedling resistance to 16 different races/mixtures of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici revealed four highly significant non-race-specific resistance QTL including the main QTL on chromosome 4AL, and a race-specific QTL on chromosome 5B. The major QTL on chromosome 4AL (QPm.tut-4A) as well as QTL on chromosome 5AL and a newly detected QTL on 7AL were highly effective at the adult stage. The QPm.tut-4A QTL accounts on average for 33-49[NON-BREAKING SPACE]% of the variation in resistance in the double haploid population. Interactions between the main QTL QPm.tut-4A and the minor QTL were evaluated and discussed. A population of 98 F(2) plants from a cross of susceptible cv. Chinese Spring and the line 8.1 was created that allowed mapping the QPm.tut-4A locus to the proximal 2.5-cM region of the introgressed segment on chromosome 4AL. The results obtained in this work make it feasible to use QPm.tut-4A in resistance breeding and provide a solid basis for positional cloning of the major QTL.
机译:从四倍体小麦中的几个基因组基因座渗入面包小麦简历。塔赫蒂(Tahti)在幼苗和成年植物中具有渗透系8.1对白粉病的抵抗力增强。在我们以前的工作中,只有8.1号品系4AL染色体上的主要数量性状基因座(QTL)显着促进了抗药性,而1A,1B,2A,5A和5B染色体上的QTL仅在提示水平上被检测到。为了验证和鉴定品系8.1中的所有QTL,建立了双单倍体品系的作图群体。测试幼苗对Blumeria graminis f的16种不同种族/混合物的抗性。 sp。 Tritici发现了四个高度重要的非种族特异性抗性QTL,包括4AL染色体上的主要QTL和5B染色体上的种族特异性QTL。在成年阶段,4AL染色体上的主要QTL(QPm.tut-4A)以及5AL染色体上的QTL和7AL上新检测到的QTL都非常有效。 QPm.tut-4A QTL平均占双单倍体群体抗性变化的33-49 [NON-BREAKING SPACE]%。主要QTL QPm.tut-4A与次要QTL之间的相互作用已得到评估和讨论。来自易感简历的98 F(2)植物的种群。创建了中国春及其编号8.1,可以将QPm.tut-4A基因座映射到4AL染色体上渐渗区段的近端2.5-cM区。这项工作获得的结果使在抗性育种中使用QPm.tut-4A成为可能,并为主要QTL的位置克隆提供了坚实的基础。



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