首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical and Applied Genetics: International Journal of Breeding Research and Cell Genetics >Hybrid maize breeding with doubled haploids: V. Selection strategies for testcross performance with variable sizes of crosses and S-1 families

Hybrid maize breeding with doubled haploids: V. Selection strategies for testcross performance with variable sizes of crosses and S-1 families


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In hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) breeding, doubled haploids (DH) are increasingly replacing inbreds developed by recurrent selfing. Doubled haploids may be developed directly from S-0 plants in the parental cross or via S-1 families. In both these breeding schemes, we examined 2 two-stage selecting strategies, i.e., considering or ignoring cross and family structure while selection among and within parental crosses and S-1 families. We examined the optimum allocation of resources to maximize the selection gain Delta G and the probability P(q) of identifying the q% best genotypes. Our specific objectives were to (1) determine the optimum number and size of crosses and S-1 families, as well as the optimum number of test environments and (2) identify the superior selection strategy. Selection was based on the evaluation of testcross progenies of (1) DH lines in both stages (DHTC) and (2) S-1 families in the first stage and of DH lines within S-1 families in the second stage (S1TC-DHTC) with uniform and variable sizes of crosses and S-1 families. We developed and employed simulation programs for selection with variable sizes of crosses and S-1 families within crosses. The breeding schemes and selection strategies showed similar relative efficiency for both optimization criteria Delta G and P (0.1%). As compared with DHTC, S1TC-DHTC had larger Delta G and P (0.1%), but a higher standard deviation of Delta G. The superiority of S1TC-DHTC was increased when the selection was done among all DH lines ignoring their cross and family structure and using variable sizes of crosses and S-1 families. In DHTC, the best selection strategy was to ignore cross structures and use uniform size of crosses.
机译:在杂交玉米(Zea mays L.)育种中,双倍单倍体(DH)越来越多地取代了通过反复自交形成的自交系。可以从亲本杂交中的S-0植物或通过S-1家族直接开发双倍的单倍体。在这两种育种方案中,我们研究了2种两阶段选择策略,即在父母亲杂交和S-1家族之间进行选择时,考虑或忽略了杂交和家族结构。我们检查了资源的最佳分配,以最大化选择增益Delta G和识别q%最佳基因型的概率P(q)。我们的具体目标是(1)确定杂交和S-1家族的最佳数量和大小,以及测试环境的最佳数量,以及(2)确定优良的选择策略。选择是基于评估(1)两个阶段(DHTC)和(2)第一阶段的S-1家族以及第二阶段S-1家族的DH系(S1TC-DHTC)的测试杂交后代)的十字架和S-1族的大小一致且可变。我们开发并采用了仿真程序,用于选择可变大小的杂交和杂交中的S-1族。对于优化标准Delta G和P(0.1%),育种方案和选择策略均显示出相似的相对效率。与DHTC相比,S1TC-DHTC的Delta G和P较大(0.1%),但Delta G的标准偏差较高。当在所有DH系中进行选择而忽略了它们的杂交和家族时,S1TC-DHTC的优越性增加了。结构和使用可变大小的十字架和S-1族。在DHTC中,最佳选择策略是忽略十字结构并使用统一大小的十字。



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