首页> 外文期刊>Tierarztliche Praxis, Ausgabe K. Kleintiere >Acute haemorrhagic diarrhea in dogs - causes and diagnosis.

Acute haemorrhagic diarrhea in dogs - causes and diagnosis.


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Dogs are commonly presented with acute haemorrhagic diarrhea. There are numerous potential causes of bloody diarrhea. Extraintestinal disorders causing acute diarrhea can be ruled out using history (e. g., intoxication), physical examination (e.g., icterus), haematology, serum chemistry profile, and urinalysis (e. g., hypoadrenocorticism, renal and liver failure). At first, gastrointestinal bleeding due to coagulation disorders has to be ruled out. A presumptive diagnosis of a "haemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome" can be made on the basis of appropriate clinical findings associated with an increased packed cell volume (>50-55%) and a rapid clinical improvement with adequate fluid therapy. Haemorrhagic diarrhea caused by infectious or parasitic agents has to be considered in young and immunocompromised dogs, in diarrhea outbreaks occurring in multiple animals, and in patients with concurrent evidence of sepsis. In these cases, faecal and blood cultures should be performed. Parvovirus infections are suspected in patients (especially in young and unvaccinated animals) with sudden onset of vomiting and bloody diarrhea, especially in dogs with concurrent leukopenia. Faecal ELISA for parvovirus antigen is regarded as a sensitive and specific diagnostic test. Acute haemorrhagic diarrhea can be a life threatening disease. Thus, early supportive care, aggressive monitoring for systemic complications, and specific diagnostic tests are indicated in these cases. This article reviews causes, pathogenesis, and diagnostic options of acute haemorrhagic diarrhea in dogs.
机译:狗通常表现为急性出血性腹泻。有许多潜在的血性腹泻原因。可以使用病史(例如中毒),体格检查(例如黄疸),血液学,血清化学特征和尿液分析(例如肾上腺皮质功能减退,肾和肝衰竭)排除引起急性腹泻的肠外疾病。首先,必须排除由于凝血障碍引起的胃肠道出血。可以根据与充盈细胞体积增加(> 50-55%)相关的适当临床发现,并通过适当的输液治疗迅速改善临床症状,来做出“出血性胃肠炎综合征”的推定诊断。必须考虑在年轻和免疫力低下的狗,多只动物发生的腹泻暴发以及有脓毒症并发症状的患者中考虑由传染或寄生虫引起的出血性腹泻。在这种情况下,应进行粪便和血液培养。怀疑呕吐和血性腹泻突然发作的患者(尤其是患有并发白细胞减少症的患者)怀疑有细小病毒感染(尤其是在年轻和未接种疫苗的动物中)。细小病毒抗原的粪便ELISA被认为是灵敏而特异的诊断测试。急性出血性腹泻可能是威胁生命的疾病。因此,在这些情况下,需要进行早期支持治疗,积极监测全身并发症以及进行特定的诊断检查。本文回顾了犬急性出血性腹泻的原因,发病机制和诊断选择。



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