首页> 外文期刊>Tissue antigens. >Analysis of HLA genes and haplotypes in Ainu (from Hokkaido, northern Japan) supports the premise that they descent from Upper Paleolithic populations of East Asia.

Analysis of HLA genes and haplotypes in Ainu (from Hokkaido, northern Japan) supports the premise that they descent from Upper Paleolithic populations of East Asia.


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The Ainu people are assumed to be the descendants of pre-agricultural native populations of northern Japan, while the majority of population of present-day Japan (Hondo-Japanese) is considered to have descended mainly from post-neolithic migrants. Sequence-level polymorphisms of the HLA-class I (HLA-A and HLA-B) genes were investigated in DNA samples of 50 Ainu living in Hidaka district, Hokkaido. HLA-A*2402, A*0201, A*0206, A*2601, A*3101, B*1501, B*5101, B*3901, and B*3501 were observed at frequencies of more than 10% and most of these have previously been found in populations of not only Asians but also North and South American Indians. A*68012, which has not so far been detected in Hondo-Japanese, was found in the Ainu (3%). On the other hand, several alleles common in Hondo-Japanese, including HLA-A*3303, A*1101, B*4403, B*5201, B*5401, B*4601, and B*0702 were infrequent in Ainu (0-1%). Correspondence and neighbor-joining analyses of various populations based on HLA-A, -B and -DRB1 gene frequencies enabled distinction between Asian, Native South American, European, and African populations. The Ainu, as well as Tlingit (Na-Dene), were placed midway between other East Asians, including Hondo Japanese, and Native South Americans (Amerindians) in the correspondence analysis. Furthermore, several HLA-A-B and HLA-B-DR-DQ haplotypes common in the Ainu, are shared with some Native American populations. These observations strongly suggest a unique place for the Ainu as descendants of some Upper Paleolithic populations of East Asia, from whom some Native Americans may have descended.
机译:阿伊努人被认为是日本北部农业前土著人口的后裔,而现今日本(本乡日裔)的大多数人口被认为主要是后新石器时代的后裔。在居住在北海道日高地区的50名阿伊努人的DNA样本中研究了HLA-I类基因(HLA-A和HLA-B)的序列水平多态性。在超过10%的频率下观察到HLA-A * 2402,A * 0201,A * 0206,A * 2601,A * 3101,B * 1501,B * 5101,B * 3901和B * 3501以前不仅在亚洲人中,而且在北美和南美印第安人中也发现了这些现象。在阿伊努(3%)中发现了迄今为止尚未在本田日语中检测到的A * 68012。另一方面,在阿伊努语中,HLA-A * 3303,A * 1101,B * 4403,B * 5201,B * 5401,B * 4601和B * 0702等在日本本田常见的等位基因很少(0 -1%)。基于HLA-A,-B和-DRB1基因频率的各种人群的对应关系和邻居加入分析使亚洲,南美原住民,欧洲和非洲人群得以区分。在对应分析中,阿伊努人以及特林吉特(Na-Dene)被放置在其他东亚人中间,包括Hondo日本人和南美原住民(Amerindians)。此外,在阿伊努语中常见的几种HLA-A-B和HLA-B-DR-DQ单倍型与一些美洲原住民共有。这些观察结果强烈表明,阿伊努人是东亚上古旧石器时代人口的后裔,而某些美洲原住民可能从那里后裔。



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