首页> 外文期刊>Tieraerztliche Umschau >Haematological variables, blood oxygen capacity, acid-base balance and heart rate in monozygotic twin calves. Effects of life age and husbandry systemOriginal Title (non-English) Hamatologische Variablen, Sauerstoffkapazitat des Blutes, Saure-Basen-Status und Herzfrequenz monozygoter Zwillingskalber. Effekte durch Alter und Haltungsform [German]

Haematological variables, blood oxygen capacity, acid-base balance and heart rate in monozygotic twin calves. Effects of life age and husbandry systemOriginal Title (non-English) Hamatologische Variablen, Sauerstoffkapazitat des Blutes, Saure-Basen-Status und Herzfrequenz monozygoter Zwillingskalber. Effekte durch Alter und Haltungsform [German]


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Group housed (MZ-G) and single stalled (MZ-E) monozygotic twin calves and control calves (VK-G and VK-E) were examined at 15, 30, 60 and 90 days of life age (testing points U1 to U4). Body weight and blood measures (Hb, Hct, MCHC, O(2)CAP, O(2)SAT, O2CONT, COHb, MetHb, plasma iron, lactate, acid-base balance) and heart rate were determined. Effects of testing point were predominantly significant in MZ-G and MZ-E and more pronounced in MZ-G than in MZ-E. Significant effects of animal group on blood measures and heart rate could be established with different frequencies at testing point U 1 to U4. At some testing points life age of calves had a significant effect on the variables and significant correlations with these variables as well. Differences of mean values of the variables between MZ-G and MZ-E, between VK-G and MZ-E and between VK-G and VK-E were more frequent and stronger than those between MZ-E and VK-E and those between MZ-G and VK-G as well.
机译:在寿命的第15、30、60和90天检查了群居(MZ-G)和单失速(MZ-E)单卵双胎犊牛和对照犊牛(VK-G和VK-E)(测试点U1至U4 )。确定了体重和血液指标(Hb,Hct,MCHC,O(2)CAP,O(2)SAT,O2CONT,COHb,MetHb,血浆铁,乳酸盐,酸碱平衡)和心率。测试点的影响在MZ-G和MZ-E中最为显着,在MZ-G中比在MZ-E中更为明显。在测试点U 1到U4可以以不同的频率确定动物群对血液测量和心率的重要影响。在某些测试点上,犊牛的寿命对变量具有显着影响,并且与这些变量也具有显着相关性。 MZ-G和MZ-E之间,VK-G和MZ-E之间以及VK-G和VK-E之间的变量均值差异比MZ-E和VK-E之间的变量均值更频繁更强在MZ-G和VK-G之间。



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