
Therapeutic plasma exchange combined with immunomodulating agents in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common cause of neurological disability. Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) has been used in the management of patients with MS with equivocal efficacy. With this work we would like to present our experience with 10 patients (seven male and three female, mean age 34 years [range 27-53 years]) with secondary progressive MS, who were treated with immunomodulating agents and who also underwent TPE. The patients' expanded disability status scale (EDSS) score of entry to the study varied from 5.0 to 6.5. One year before study entry all patients showed a marked deterioration (12 months before starting TPE they had been rated 4.5-5.5 on the EDSS). TPE was performed three times a week for two weeks and thereafter once a week, or once a month for the stable patients. The machine used was the Cobe Spectra and albumin 5% was the replacement fluid. Peripheral veins were used in nine patients and indwelling vascular access was required in one patient. Eighteen months later, patients stopped taking the immunomodulating agent therapy and continued only with TPE. No side-effects occurred during the TPE session. After 36 months of TPE therapy, five patients were stabilized in their disability, while two patients showed a minor progression of the disease (an additional 0.5 degree in disability as determined by the EDSS). No relapses occurred during TPE. Three patients stopped the therapy: one patient because of persistent nausea and two patients for reasons unrelated to TPE. Periodic TPE was associated with reduced accumulation of neurological deficits (as documented by EDSS) in patients with secondary progressive MS.
机译:多发性硬化症(MS)是神经系统残疾的最常见原因。治疗性血浆置换(TPE)已用于治疗MS的患者,但疗效不明确。通过这项工作,我们想向我们介绍10例继发进行性MS的患者(七名男性和三名女性,平均年龄34岁[范围27-53岁]),他们接受了免疫调节剂的治疗,并且还接受了TPE。进入研究的患者扩大的残疾状态量表(EDSS)得分从5.0到6.5不等。进入研究前一年,所有患者均表现出明显的恶化(开始TPE前12个月,他们的EDSS评分为4.5-5.5)。 TPE每周进行3次,持续2周,此后每周进行一次,对于稳定的患者则每月一次。使用的机器是Cobe Spectra,5%的白蛋白是替代液。 9名患者使用了外周静脉,其中1名患者需要留置血管。 18个月后,患者停止接受免疫调节剂治疗,仅继续使用TPE。在TPE会议期间没有发生副作用。经过36个月的TPE治疗后,有5名患者的残疾情况稳定,而2名患者的疾病进展较轻(由EDSS确定的残疾程度为0.5度)。在TPE期间没有复发。三名患者停止了治疗:一名患者由于持续的恶心而两名患者由于与TPE无关的原因。继发性MS患者中定期TPE与神经功能缺损的累积减少(如EDSS记录)有关。


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