首页> 外文期刊>Thrombosis Research: An International Journal on Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis >Inactivation of antiplasmin at low pH: evidence for the formation of latent molecules.

Inactivation of antiplasmin at low pH: evidence for the formation of latent molecules.


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Several serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins) are metastable proteins which under certain conditions may undergo conformational changes resulting in the insertion of the reactive centre loop into the so-called Abeta-sheet and hence forming latent molecules. Here we have studied the inactivation of antiplasmin as a function of pH and temperature with time. At decreased pH (4.9-5.8) and at room temperature, antiplasmin activity decreased following first-order kinetics. Analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions demonstrated that only minor amounts of polymerized material formed after extensive incubation (4 days) at room temperature. However, on incubation at elevated temperatures (45 or 55 degrees C), a rapid formation of polymerized material was observed. We also demonstrated that antiplasmin inactivated by treatment at pH approximately 5 at room temperature spontaneously slowly regained some activity if incubated in a buffer of neutral pH. Furthermore, by treatmentwith 4 M guanidinium chloride for about 30 min, followed by dialysis against a neutral phosphate buffer, considerable activity (almost 40%) was regained. Thus, we conclude that antiplasmin, at least partially, at lower temperatures is transformed into a latent form, which could be reactivated, in a similar manner as PAI-1. At increased temperature, however, polymerization seems to be the predominant reason for inactivation.



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