
Aspirin overprescription in primary cardiovascular prevention.


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INTRODUCTION: Aspirin overprescription is of some concern, especially in still-healthy individuals, and estimates of the magnitude of this problem are lacking. We evaluated the inappropriateness of aspirin prescription by primary care physicians in primary cardiovascular prevention. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Out of 20,599 patients screened by 16 primary care physicians in the Abruzzi region, central Italy, 400 patients were on treatment with aspirin for primary prevention. For each such patient, the absolute cardiovascular and coronary risks were assessed according to the Italian Cardiovascular Risk Chart for Primary Prevention and the European Society of Cardiology Coronary Risk Chart, respectively. Patients with a cardiovascular and/or coronary risk <1.0 event/100 patients/year were considered as treated inappropriately (aspirin overprescription), on the basis of previous literature. RESULTS: Overall, as many as 12% and 18% of patients had a cardiovascular and/or coronary risk <1.0 event/100 patients/year according to the European and the Italian charts, respectively, and therefore were defined as treated inappropriately. Patients with and without inappropriate treatment were similar with respect to smoking habits, family history and body max index. However, inappropriately treated patients had significantly lower levels of blood pressure and total cholesterol, and were more likely to be female, younger and non-diabetic than patients appropriately treated. CONCLUSIONS: A non-negligible proportion-up to 18%-of subjects in primary prevention is currently more likely to derive harm than benefit from inappropriate aspirin use. A wider use of Cardiovascular Risk Charts should guide primary care physicians in prescribing aspirin for primary prevention.
机译:简介:阿司匹林处方过量令人担忧,尤其是对于仍然健康的个体,并且尚缺乏对该问题严重程度的估计。我们评估了初级保健医生在一级心血管预防中阿司匹林处方的不当性。材料与方法:在意大利中部阿布鲁奇地区的16599名初级保健医师筛查的20599名患者中,有400名接受阿司匹林的一级预防治疗。对于每位此类患者,分别根据《意大利一级预防心血管疾病风险表》和《欧洲心血管病学冠心病风险表》评估了绝对的心血管和冠心病风险。根据先前的文献,心血管和/或冠心病风险<1.0事件/ 100患者/年的患者被视为治疗不当(阿司匹林处方过量)。结果:总体而言,根据欧洲和意大利的图表,分别有多达12%和18%的患者的心血管和/或冠心病风险<1.0事件/ 100患者/年,因此被定义为治疗不当。接受和不接受不适当治疗的患者在吸烟习惯,家族病史和最大体质指数方面相似。但是,治疗不当的患者的血压和总胆固醇水平明显较低,并且比接受适当治疗的患者更有可能是女性,年轻和非糖尿病患者。结论:一级预防中高达18%的受试者比例微不足道,目前比使用不当的阿司匹林受益更大。心血管疾病风险图表的广泛使用应指导基层医疗医生开具阿司匹林的一级预防处方。



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