首页> 外文期刊>Therapeutic hypothermia and temperature management >We had a patient who underwent hypothermia after cardiac arrest and was brought back to 37°C. The physicians removed the cooling device, and the patient's temperature escalated to 38°C 12 hours later. What are the best methods to control temperature once the patient is back at normothermia if the device has been removed?

We had a patient who underwent hypothermia after cardiac arrest and was brought back to 37°C. The physicians removed the cooling device, and the patient's temperature escalated to 38°C 12 hours later. What are the best methods to control temperature once the patient is back at normothermia if the device has been removed?


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Maintaining a period of normothermia after the completion of a hypothermia protocol has been instituted in many hospitals. Fever is believed to raise the inflammatory response, increasing free radical production and breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (Mcllvoy, 2012). Maintaining normothermia may continue to protect the still vulnerable brain from further injury. One recent study questioned if the outcome benefits seen in hypothermia after cardiac arrest protocols were related to fever management or other physiologic mechanisms. Nielsen et al. (2013) studied hypothermia at 33°C versus 36°C. They concluded the hypothermia did not confer a benefit when compared with normothermia. The authors describe limitations, including lack of data about length of sedation factors known to affect outcome, but suggest that preventing fever may also be necessary to ensure better outcome.
机译:许多医院已制定了在完成低温治疗方案后维持一段正常的体温的方法。人们认为发烧会引起炎症反应,增加自由基的产生并破坏血脑屏障(Mcllvoy,2012)。保持常温可能会继续保护仍然脆弱的大脑免受进一步伤害。一项最近的研究质疑心脏骤停后低温治疗对结局的益处是否与发烧管理或其他生理机制有关。 Nielsen等。 (2013)研究了在33°C和36°C下的低温。他们得出结论,与正常体温相比,低温没有带来好处。作者描述了局限性,包括缺乏已知会影响转归的镇静因子长度的数据,但建议预防发烧也可能是确保更好转归的必要条件。



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