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Remembering Len Jossem


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It is hard to accept that Len Jossem is no longer with us.For me it is especially painful because we had knowneach other for so long. I last met him on the evening ofSaturday, July 25, 2009, just before the beginning of the2009 AAPT Summer Meeting in Ann Arbor, MI. It wasonly the briefest of encounters. I had almost finished mydinner at the Campus Inn when I saw Len enter the otherside of the dining room. He did not see me, but I calledout a greeting to him and we exchanged a few words;he looked quite unwell, but I did not make much of it,and since he had someone with him I did not go to histable to talk further. His last words to me were "See youaround," and I expected that to happen the next morningbecause I knew that Len made a ritual of sitting in at theExecutive Board meetings. That was something I myselfalmost never did, but planned to do this year in order tocatch up with AAPT affairs after missing several nationalmeetings. The alarm bells went off when Len failed toappear. We learned the next day that Len had gone home,and then, only a few days later, that he had passed away. It was an enormous loss to AAPT, but at least Len himselfwas spared a transition into a possibly lengthy period ofillness and declining powers.
机译:很难接受伦·约塞姆(Len Jossem)不在我们身边。对我来说,这尤其痛苦,因为我们认识彼此已经很久了。我最后一次见面是在2009年7月25日星期六晚上,即在密歇根州安阿伯市举行的2009 AAPT夏季会议开始之前。这只是最短的相遇。当我看到Len进入餐厅的另一侧时,我几乎已经完成了在Campus Inn的mydinner。他没有看见我,但我向他打招呼,我们交换了几句话;他看上去很不适,但​​我的意思并不多,而且由于他有一个人陪着我,所以我没有去他的桌子上再说。他对我的最后一句话是“环顾四周”,我希望第二天早晨会发生这种情况,因为我知道列恩有参加执行委员会会议的习惯。这是我本人几乎从未做过的事情,但计划今年在错过几次全国性会议后赶上AAPT事务。 Len没出现时,警钟响起。第二天,我们得知Len回家了,几天后,他去世了。这对AAPT来说是巨大的损失,但至少Len自己避免了过渡到可能漫长的疾病和权力下降的时期。



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