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Septicaemic pasteurellosis in ostriches (Struthio camelus) in central Saudi Arabia


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Pasteurella multocida is a significant cause of fowl cholera and affects both domestic and wild avian species (Rimler & Glisson, 1997) resulting in severe economic losses among poultry populations (Samuel et al., 1997; Dunbar et al., 2000). Outbreaks of fowl cholera are often associated with intensive poultry production, climatic stress, and possible predation in free range. The severity of infection is usually controlled by strict sanitation and biosecurity measures as well as by vaccination (Rimler & Glisson, 1997). The diagnosis of P. multocida is usually made by bacteriological and serological tests (Rimler, 1992). Most of the bacteriological tests rely on microbial isolation and biochemical characterization (Snipes et al., 1990; Fegan et al., 1995). Although microbial isolation is the 'gold standard' in the identification of a new isolate, the morphologic features of P. multocida are not characteristic enough to differentiate it from other gram-negative coccobacilli. Therefore, some key biochemical features, including positive indole reaction and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity, are used in the identification of Pasteurellae (Rimler & Glisson, 1997). The application of key biochemical reactions coupled with the isolation methods had successfully identified out-breaks of fowl cholera in turkeys (Blackall et al., 1995). Despite the worldwide distribution of P. multocida infections in domestic and wild birds, reports of pasteurellosis in ostriches are rare. To our knowledge, there is only one report of an outbreak in Kano Zoo, Nigeria (Okoh, 1980).
机译:多杀性巴斯德氏菌是禽霍乱的重要原因,并影响家禽和野生禽类(Rimler&Glisson,1997),导致家禽种群遭受严重的经济损失(Samuel等,1997; Dunbar等,2000)。禽霍乱的爆发通常与密集的家禽生产,气候压力以及可能的自由捕食有关。感染的严重程度通常通过严格的卫生和生物安全措施以及疫苗接种来控制(Rimler&Glisson,1997)。通常通过细菌学和血清学检查来诊断多杀性疟原虫(Rimler,1992)。大多数细菌学测试依赖于微生物分离和生化特性(Snipes等,1990; Fegan等,1995)。尽管微生物分离是鉴定新分离株的“黄金标准”,但多杀毕赤酵母的形态特征不足以将其与其他革兰氏阴性球菌区分开。因此,一些关键的生化特征,包括阳性吲哚反应和鸟氨酸脱羧酶(ODC)活性,被用于巴斯德氏菌的鉴定(Rimler&Glisson,1997)。关键生化反应的应用以及分离方法已成功地鉴定出了禽流感中禽霍乱的爆发(Blackall等,1995)。尽管在家禽和野生鸟类中分布了多杀性巴氏杆菌感染,但鸵鸟巴氏杆菌病的报道却很少。据我们所知,在尼日利亚卡诺动物园中仅爆发过一次疫情的报道(Okoh,1980)。



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