首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Journal >Recycling manure as cow bedding: Potential benefits and risks for UK dairy farms

Recycling manure as cow bedding: Potential benefits and risks for UK dairy farms


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Material obtained from physical separation of slurry (recycled manure solids; RMS) has been used as bedding for dairy cows in dry climates in the US since the 1970s. Relatively recently, the technical ability to produce drier material has led to adoption of the practice in Europe under different climatic conditions. This review collates the evidence available on benefits and risks of using RMS bedding on dairy farms, with a European context in mind. There was less evidence than expected for anecdotal claims of improved cow comfort. Among animal health risks, only udder health has received appreciable attention. There are some circumstantial reports of difficulties of maintaining udder health on RMS, but no large scale or long term studies of effects on clinical and subclinical mastitis have been published. Existing reports do not give consistent evidence of inevitable problems, nor is there any information on clinical implications for other diseases. The scientific basis for guidelines on management of RMS bedding is limited. Decisions on optimum treatment and management may present conflicts between controls of different groups of organisms. There is no information on the influence that such 'recycling' of manure may have on pathogen virulence. The possibility of influence on genetic material conveying antimicrobial resistance is a concern, but little understood. Should UK or other non-US farmers adopt RMS, they are advised to do so with caution, apply the required strategies for risk mitigation, maintain strict hygiene of bed management and milking practices and closely monitor the effects on herd health. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:自1970年代以来,在美国的干旱气候中,通过物理分离浆料(回收的粪便固体; RMS)获得的材料已被用作奶牛的垫料。相对而言,生产干燥物料的技术能力已导致在欧洲在不同气候条件下采用这种做法。这篇评论总结了有关在欧洲范围内在奶牛场上使用RMS垫料的利弊的现有证据。传闻中关于提高牛的舒适度的证据比预期的少。在动物健康风险中,只有乳房健康受到关注。有一些间接报道很难维持RMS的乳房健康,但是尚未发表关于临床和亚临床乳腺炎影响的大规模或长期研究。现有的报告没有给出不可避免的问题的一致证据,也没有任何有关其他疾病的临床意义的信息。 RMS床上用品管理指南的科学依据是有限的。关于最佳治疗和管理的决定可能会导致不同生物体控制之间的冲突。没有关于这种肥料“回收”对病原体毒力的影响的信息。影响遗传物质传递抗微生物药物耐药性的可能性是一个问题,但鲜为人知。如果英国或其他非美国农民采用RMS,建议他们谨慎行事,应用必要的缓解风险策略,保持严格的床管理卫生和挤奶习惯,并密切监视对畜群健康的影响。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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