首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Journal >Association between feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) plasma viral RNA load, concentration of acute phase proteins and disease severity

Association between feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) plasma viral RNA load, concentration of acute phase proteins and disease severity


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Veterinarians have few tools to predict the rate of disease progression in FIV-infected cats. In contrast, in HIV infection, plasma viral RNA load and acute phase protein concentrations are commonly used as predictors of disease progression. This study evaluated these predictors in cats naturally infected with FIV. In older cats (>5 years), log(10) FIV RNA load was higher in the terminal stages of disease compared to the asymptomatic stage. There was a significant association between log(10) FIV RNA load and both log(10) serum amyloid A concentration and age in unwell FIV-infected cats. This study suggests that viral RNA load and serum amyloid A warrant further investigation as predictors of disease status and prognosis in FIV-infected cats
机译:兽医几乎没有工具来预测受FIV感染的猫的疾病进展速度。相反,在HIV感染中,血浆病毒RNA负荷和急性期蛋白浓度通常用作疾病进展的预测指标。这项研究评估了自然感染FIV的猫的这些预测因子。在年长的猫(> 5岁)中,与无症状阶段相比,疾病末期的log(10)FIV RNA负荷更高。在未感染FIV的猫中,log(10)FIV RNA负载与log(10)血清淀粉样蛋白A浓度和年龄之间存在显着关联。这项研究表明病毒RNA负荷和血清淀粉样蛋白A值得进一步研究,以预测感染FIV的猫的病情和预后



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