首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Journal >Bringing objectivity to working dog selection: The role of lateralization measures

Bringing objectivity to working dog selection: The role of lateralization measures


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In recent years, there has been increasing interest in lateralization in dogs and its association with behavioral phenotypes. Quantifying and categorizing lateralized behavior is inherently more objective than scoring behavioral attributes such as 慺earfulness?or 憄oor coping style,?which can be expressed rather subtly. Converging evidence indicates that lateralization may be related to animal 憄ersonality? rodents and primates with a lateralization bias towards the left are more fearful, anxious, and reactive while right-preferent individuals usually have more proactive coping styles (Rogers, 2009). However, Branson and Rogers (2006) reported greater noise phobia in dogs lacking a clear paw preference as compared to dogs with either a right or left lateralization bias. Likewise, Batt et al. (2009) found greater lateralization (in either direction) was associated with shorter latencies to rest in an unfamiliar environment. Thus, the limited evidence from dogs to date indicates that, unlike other species, reduced fearfulness and anxiety is associated with a strong lateralization bias towards either left or right.
机译:近年来,人们越来越关注狗的侧卧化及其与行为表型的关系。对偏侧行为进行量化和分类本质上比对诸如“充实”或“应对方式”这样的行为属性评分要客观得多,后者可以相当巧妙地表达出来。越来越多的证据表明,偏侧化可能与动物的个性有关?偏侧偏向左的啮齿动物和灵长类动物更恐惧,焦虑和反应性强,而偏右的个体通常具有更积极的应对方式(Rogers,2009)。但是,Branson和Rogers(2006)报道,与具有左右偏侧偏向的狗相比,缺乏明显的爪子偏爱的狗具有更大的噪音恐惧症。同样,Batt等。 (2009年)发现更大的偏侧化(在任一方向上)与在陌生环境中休息的潜伏期短有关。因此,迄今为止,来自狗的有限证据表明,与其他物种不同,恐惧和焦虑的减少与向左或向右的强烈偏侧化有关。



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