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Shutting the stable door after the horse (on phenylbutazone) has bolted


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In this issue of The Veterinary Journal, two distinguished veterinary pharmacologists, Peter Lees and Pierre-Louis Toutain, combine resources to provide a topical and important review on the pharmacology, toxicology and residues of phenylbutazone in human beings and horses (Lees and Toutain, 2013). It is timely because of the recent European scandal that broke in January 2013 when the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) reported the presence of horse DNA in some beef burger products, rightly raising concerns in relation to the traceability of meat ingredients and products entering the food chain.1 Of 27 beef burger products analysed, ten (37%) were positive for horse DNA and 23 (85%) positive for pig DNA. This was soon followed by the discoveryin the UK of horse meat in a wide range of frozen supermarket meals that were supposed to contain beef or pork, including meatballs, burgers, kebabs, lasagne, pizza, ravioli, empanadas and meat pies. It soon became clear that consumers had been badly misled by an appalling lack of proper controls by governments and retail outlets, and callous commercial exploitation by some source suppliers.
机译:在本期《兽医杂志》中,两位杰出的兽医药理学家Peter Lees和Pierre-Louis Toutain结合资源,对人和马匹中的butbutazone的药理学,毒理学和残留物进行了主题性和重要的综述(Lees和Toutain,2013年) )。这是及时的,因为最近发生在2013年1月的欧洲丑闻破灭,当时爱尔兰食品安全局(FSAI)报告了某些牛肉汉堡产品中存在马DNA,正当引起对肉类成分和进入产品的可追溯性的关注1分析的27种牛肉汉堡产品中,有十种(37%)的马DNA呈阳性,而23种(85%)的猪DNA呈阳性。紧接着,在英国发现了广泛用于超市的各种冷冻牛肉中的马肉,这些食品本应包含牛肉或猪肉,包括肉丸,汉堡,烤肉串,烤宽面条,比萨饼,馄饨,肉馅卷饼和肉馅饼。很快就清楚地意识到,政府和零售商店缺乏适当的控制措施,以及某些货源供应商的无情商业开发,使消费者受到严重误导。



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