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Specimen integrity and statistics: Two essential components of good veterinary practice


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The article by Neumann and Bonistalli, 2009 E.J. Neumann and K.N. Bonistalli, Effect of blood sample handling post-collection on Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae antibody titres. View Record in Scopus Cited By in Scopus (3)Neumann and Bonistalli (2009),published in this issue of The Veterinary Journal, typifies many articles published recently in veterinary journals, but distinguishes itself in its handling of two very important issues in the field of diagnostics: specimen integrity and statistical evaluation of diagnostic accuracy. In all modern laboratory testing, and especially during experimental design and execution, proper statistical analysis is paramount. However, in the actual execution phase, when the specimen has been in any way degraded, outstanding design and subsequent statistical analysis may be of little use.
机译:Neumann和Bonistalli的文章,2009年E.J.纽曼和K.N. Bonistalli,采集后血样处理对猪丹毒的红发性抗体的滴度的影响。查看《 Scopus中的记录》(Scopus中引用的文献(3))Neumann和Bonistalli(2009年)发表在《兽医杂志》上诊断:样品完整性和诊断准确性的统计评估。在所有现代实验室测试中,尤其是在实验设计和执行过程中,适当的统计分析至关重要。但是,在实际执行阶段,当样本以任何方式退化时,出色的设计和随后的统计分析可能几乎没有用。



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