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Puerto Rico Supplement Rule Still Percolates: Health And Wellness Industry News Roundup


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Catalyst Principal continues east Africa health care investing; GOED MOU with US-China Health Products; class action against IntenseX dismissed; Prime Nutrition brand under Hi-Tech roof; and more news in brief. The Council for Responsible Nutrition wants Congress to know that dietary supplement retailers and distributors in Puerto Rico still could be subject extensive fees and regulations should the commonwealth approve a proposal put on hold recently. In comments to the Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico, CRN explains that Puerto Rico's Department of Health will take another shot, through a rulemaking process, at implementing Administrative Order 346 to require a $25 per-SKU, per-store registration fee, and registration fees every two years of $500 for manufacturers and $100 for product distributors. Under pressure from commonwealth lawmakers, the Health agency in September suspended enforcement of AO 346 and said that later this year it will conduct a rulemaking with notice of a proposal, following by a hearing and a comment period; the agency had proposed the rule without notice and intended to impose it even without lawmakers' approval of authorizing legislation. (Also see "Puerto Rico's Supplement Registration Proposal Moved To Rulemaking Process" - Rose Sheet, 23 Sep, 2016.)
机译:催化剂负责人继续东非医疗保健投资;与中美保健品达成谅解备忘录;针对IntenseX的集体诉讼被驳回;高科技营养品牌旗下的Prime Nutrition品牌;以及更多简短的新闻。负责任营养委员会希望国会知道,如果英联邦批准最近搁置的提案,波多黎各的膳食补充剂零售商和分销商仍可能要缴纳大量费用和规章。在向国会波多黎各经济增长特别工作组发表评论时,CRN解释说,波多黎各卫生部将通过规则制定过程,再次实施346号行政命令,要求每个SKU,每个商店收取25美元的注册费,制造商每两年的注册费为500美元,产品分销商每两年的注册费为100美元。在英联邦立法者的压力下,卫生局于9月中止了AO 346的执行,并表示,今年晚些时候它将在发出提案通知的情况下进行规则制定,随后进行听证和评论期;该机构已提出该规则,恕不另行通知,并打算将其强加给他人,即使未经立法者批准授权立法。 (另请参阅“波多黎各补遗注册提案已移至规则制定程序”-玫瑰纸,2016年9月23日。)



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