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Solution to a conjecture on words that are bad and 2-isometric


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Let f be a finite binary word. Then a binary word u is called f-free if it contains no f as a factor. The word f is d-good if for any f-free words u and v of length d, v can be obtained from u by complementing one by one the bits of u on which u and v differ, such that all intermediate words are f-free. Such a process is called an f-free transformation of u to v. The word f is called good if it is d-good for all d >= 1, it is called bad otherwise. The word f is s-isometric if for any binary words u and v of the same length that differ in s bits there is an f-free transformation of u to v. Hie, Klavzar and Rho constructed an infinite family of bad 2-isometric words of the form f = 1(2r-1)01(2r-1)01(2r+1) for all r >= 0. They conjectured that the words from this family are all the words that are bad and 2-isometric among those with exactly two 0s. In this paper we show that this conjecture is not true and prove that f is a bad 2-isometric word that contains exactly two 0s if and only if f = 1(r)01(r)01(2r+2) (or its reverse) for some r >= 0. We also list all of the good words that contain exactly two 0s. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:令f为一个有限的二进制字。然后,如果二进制字u不包含f作为因数,则称其为f-free。如果对于长度为d的任意无f词u和v,可以通过将u和v不同的u比特补一补全,从而从所有u获得v,则单词f是d好。 -自由。这样的过程称为u到v的无f变换。如果所有d> = 1都为d-好,则将单词f称为好。否则将其称为坏。如果对于相同长度的任何二进制字u和v(以s位为单位)存在f的无自由转换,则f为s等距。Hie,Klavzar和Rho构造了一个无限的等差2等距族对于所有r> = 0,形式为f = 1(2r-1)01(2r-1)01(2r + 1)的单词。他们推测该族的单词都是不好的且等距为2的单词正好有两个0的那些。在本文中,我们证明了这种猜想是不正确的,并证明f是一个不好的2等距词,当且仅当f = 1(r)01(r)01(2r + 2)(或其相反),则r> =0。我们还将列出所有恰好包含两个0的好词。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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