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Uniformly hard languages


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Ladner (J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 22 (1975) 155) showed that there are no minimal recursive sets under polynomial-time reductions. Given any recursive set A, Ladner constructs a set B such that B strictly reduces to A but B does not lie in P. The set B does have very long sequences of input lengths of easily computable instances. We examine whether Ladner's results hold if we restrict ourselves to "uniformly hard languages" which have no long sequences of easily computable instances. Under a hard to disprove assumption, we show that there exists a minimal recursive uniformly hard set under honest many-one polynomial-time reductions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 28]
机译:Ladner(J. Assoc。Comput。Mach。22(1975)155)显示,多项式时间约简下没有最小递归集。给定任何递归集合A,Ladner构造一个集合B,以使B严格归结为A,但B不在P中。集合B的输入长度序列很长,容易计算出实例。如果我们将自己限制在没有可轻松计算的实例的长序列的“统一硬语言”,我们将检查Ladner的结果是否成立。在一个难以证明的假设下,我们证明了在诚实的一对一多项式时间约简下,存在一个最小递归的统一硬集。 (C)2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:28]



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