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Bounding the payment of approximate truthful mechanisms


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In a STACS 2003 paper, Talwar analyzes the overpayment the VCG mechanism incurs for ensuring truthfulness in auctions. Among other results, he studies k-Set Cover (given a universe U and a collection of sets S-1, S-2, ..., S-m, each having a cost c(S-i) and at most k elements of U, find a minimum cost subcollection - a cover - whose union equals U) and shows that the payment of the VCG mechanism is at most k.c(OPT'), where OPT' is the best cover disjoint from the optimum cover OPT. The VCG mechanism requires finding an optimum cover. For k >= 3, k-Set Cover is known to be NP-hard, and thus truthful mechanisms based on approximation algorithms are desirable. We show that the payment incurred by two mechanisms based on approximation algorithms (including the Greedy algorithm) is bounded by (k - 1)c(OPT) k c(OPT'). The same approximation algorithms have payment bounded by k(c(OPT) c(OPT')) when applied to more general set systems, which include k-Polymatroid Cover, a problem related to Steiner Tree computations. If q is such that an element in a k-Set Cover instance appears in at most q sets, we show that the total payment based on our algorithms is bounded by q.k(2) times the total payment of the VCG mechanism. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在STACS 2003论文中,Talwar分析了VCG机制为确保拍卖真实性而产生的多付。在其他结果中,他研究了k个集合覆盖率(给定一个宇宙U和集合S-1,S-2,...,Sm的集合,每个集合的成本为c(Si),且U的k个元素最多,找到一个最小成本子集合-一个保险-其联合等于U)并显示VCG机制的支付最多为k​​c(OPT'),其中OPT'是与最优保险OPT脱节的最佳保险。 VCG机制需要找到最佳的覆盖范围。对于k> = 3,已知k-Set Cover具有NP难处理性,因此需要基于近似算法的真实机制。我们表明,基于近似算法(包括贪婪算法)的两种机制所产生的支付以(k-1)c(OPT)k c(OPT')为边界。当应用于更一般的集合系统(包括与Steiner Tree计算有关的问题k-Polymatroid覆盖)时,相同的近似算法的付款以k(c(OPT)c(OPT'))为边界。如果q使得k-Set Cover实例中的元素最多出现在q个集合中,则表明基于我们的算法的总付款额为q.k(2)乘以VCG机制的总付款额。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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